How did they vote?
After passionate testimony from both sides, HB 40 passed by a vote of 62-55 yesterday afternoon. Sixty votes are needed for passage. This proposal for taxpayer funding of abortion will now proceed to the Illinois Senate where it is expected to pass.
Click HERE to see how your state representative voted on this legislation, or look at the graphic below. (Look up your state representative HERE.)
Passage of HB 40 would translate into tens of thousands of additional abortions in Illinois every year through Medicaid. As explained in an earlier article, this law would result in a disproportionate number of black and brown babies being killed.
HB 40 also allows the Deptartment of Health and Human Services to make grants to nonprofit agencies and organizations that use such grants to refer, counsel for, or perform abortions.
In addition, state employees would have abortion coverage added to their insurance plan under HB 40.
Proponents, for the most part, focused their testimony on a woman’s choice to have control over her own body and the “right” of poor women to have access to “health care” while opponents’ focus was on the fact that innocent pre-born human life would be killed with taxpayer resources.
It’s a tragic day in Illinois when the most helpless have no protection from the adult lawmakers who are already born.
Take ACTION: Click HERE to send an email to your Illinois state senator and to Governor Bruce Rauner. Urge them to reject against HB 40. (If you have already sent an email to your state representative, please now send an email to your state senator.)