Another Batch of Witness Slips to File
Another Batch of Witness Slips to File
Written By Kathy Valente   |   03.18.24
Reading Time: 5 minutes

To all those who have taken the time to let lawmakers know your position on the many bills that are moving through committees: THANK YOU! Sometimes it can get discouraging and you might think ‘it’s not even worth the effort.’ Well, be assured that God takes notice. He calls us to be obedient and to stand against evil no matter the outcome. So once again, thank you for being faithful.

In regard to the physician assisted suicide bill, SB 3499, State Senator Linda Holmes (D-Aurora),  is being very quiet about her appalling bill. However, the deadline to get it out of the newly formed subcommittee it was assigned to has been extended to April 5th, which indicates she plans to move it after the election. Subcommittees are usually where bills are sent to die, but this bill is far from dead. The only thing the sponsor will say is that she’s looking forward to the hearing.

Some Good News

SB 3644 (State Senator Laura Ellman [D-Naperville]), which would mandate teaching climate change in public schools, was sent back to the Assignments Committee. That usually means it’s not moving forward. But we also know that nothing is ever really dead in Springfield. So for now, this is good news.

SB 3350 (State Senator Laura Ellman [D-Naperville]), which IFI supports, requires the Department of Health to dispense and distribute fentanyl test strips to first responders and train them how to use them. The bill passed unanimously out of committee and is on fast track to be heard on the Senate floor.

Click HERE to email your state senator to support SB 3350.

Witness Slip Instructions

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Section II. Leave it blank if you are not a representative of a group or business.

Section III. Check your position: Opponent.

Section IV. Unless you are filing a written statement, select Record of Appearance Only.

Lastly, agree to the terms of agreement by checking the box.

Click Create (Slip).

Bills to Oppose

SB 3316 (State Senator Sara Feigenholtz [D-Chicago]) would implement mental health screenings in public schools. An amendment which fixes some language problems has replaced the bill so it goes back to be heard in committee again.   It’s scheduled for a hearing on Thursday, March 21st at 9:00 AM in the Illinois Senate Behavioral and Mental Health Committee.

Click HERE to file a witness slip in opposition to SB 3316.

Click HERE to send an email to your state senator to oppose SB 3316.

HB 2401 (State Representative La Shawn Ford [D-Chicago]) requires school districts to include books that are written by “diverse” authors; requires that material must NOT perpetuate bias against persons based on specified categories. [Who decides what is bias? Additionally, the subject topics are “not limited” to: ability, race, language, beliefs, gender, culture, family dynamics, socioeconomic status.] It’s scheduled to be heard on Thursday, March 21st at 8:30 AM in the Illinois House Elementary & Secondary Education Committee.

Click HERE to file a witness slip in opposition to HB 2401.

Click HERE to send an email to your state rep to oppose HB 2401.

HB 4133 (State Representative Margaret Croke [D-Chicago]) mandates a bullying prevention program that contains LGBT propaganda into religious schools. It’s scheduled to be heard on Thursday, March 21st at 8:30 AM in the House Elementary & Secondary Education Committee.

Click HERE to file a witness slip in opposition to HB 4133.

Click HERE to send an email to your state rep to oppose HB 4133.

HB 4595 (State Representative Edgar Gonzalez [D-Chicago]) requires the Secretary of State to include data fields for corporations’ annual report forms to include the sexual orientation and gender identity of their board members and officers. It’s scheduled to be heard on Thursday, March 21st at 2:00 PM in the Illinois House Economic Opportunity & Equity Committee.

Click HERE to file a witness slip in opposition to HB 4595.

Click HERE to send an email to your state rep to oppose HB 4595.

HB 4895 (State Representative Janet Yang-Rohr [D-Naperville]) mandates teaching climate change in public schools; gets the EPA involved in training and instruction materials. It’s scheduled to be heard on Thursday, March 21st at 8:30 AM in the Illinois House Elementary & Secondary Education Committee.

Click HERE to file a witness slip in opposition to HB 4895.

Click HERE to send an email to your state rep to oppose HB 4895.

HB 5239 (State Representative Kelly Cassidy [D-Chicago]) prohibits the state from cooperating with another state agency that is seeking to impose criminal or civil liability on out-of-staters who come to Illinois for an abortion. The bill protects “reproductive health care products or services that are lawful in Illinois.”  And “exempts any investigation or proceeding if the conduct subject to potential liability under the investigation or proceeding would be subject to criminal or civil liability under the laws of Illinois.” This bill will allow the transport across state lines of a minor to get an abortion because Illinois law allow it. It’s scheduled for a hearing on Thursday, March 21st at 8:30 AM in the Illinois House Human Services Committee.

Click HERE to file a witness slip in opposition to HB  5239.

Click HERE to send an email to your state rep to oppose HB 5239.

HB 5473 (State Representative Kelly Cassidy [D-Chicago]) would make it legal for a minor to make their own “family planning” decisions if they are on Public Aid. This is a horrible bill that further erodes parental rights and puts young girls at great risk. It’s scheduled for a hearing on Thursday, March 21st at 8:30 AM in the Illinois House Human Services Committee.

Click HERE to file a witness slip in opposition to HB 5473.

Click HERE to send an email to your state rep to oppose HB 5473.

HB 5507 (State Representative Kevin John Olickal [D-Chicago]) allows for a judicial order for someone who came from a different state or country but now resides in Illinois to petition the issuing jurisdiction to change their gender on identifying documents. It’s scheduled for a hearing on Thursday, March 21st in the Illinois House Judiciary – Civil Committee.

Click HERE to file a witness slip in opposition to HB 5507.

Click HERE to send an email to your state rep to oppose HB 5507.

Bills to Support

HB 4332 (State Representative John Cabello [R-Machesney Park]) increases penalties for someone caught giving or selling firearms to a convicted felon or street gang member. It’s scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, March 20th at 4:00 PM in the Illinois House Judiciary – Criminal Committee.

Click HERE to file a witness slip in support of HB 4332.

Click HERE to send an email to your state rep to support HB 4332.

HB 4623 (State Representative Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz [D-Glenview]) is a bi-partisan-supported bill that would prevent someone from obtaining a school bus permit if they are convicted of possessing an obscene depiction of a purported child, using artificial intelligence.  It’s scheduled to be heard on Wednesday, March 20th at 4:00 PM in the Illinois House Judiciary – Criminal Committee.

Click HERE to file a witness slip in support of HB 4623.

Click HERE to send an email to your state rep in support of HB 4623.

HB 4889 (State Representative Dave Vella [D-Loves Park]) would increase penalties on those convicted of child porn. It’s scheduled to be heard on Wednesday, March 20th at 4:00 PM in the Illinois House Judiciary – Criminal Committee.

Click HERE to file a witness slip in support of HB 4889.

Click HERE to send an email to your state rep to support HB 4889.

HB 4892 (State Representative Dennis Tipsword [R-Pontiac]) prohibits ranked-choice voting to be used for any local, State, or federal election in this State. It’s scheduled for a hearing on Wednesday, March 20th at 2:00 PM in the Illinois House Ethics & Elections Committee.

Click HERE to file a witness slip in support of HB 4892.

Click HERE to send an email to your state rep to support HB 4892.

HB 5134 (State Representative Nicole La Ha [R-Lemont]) adds sex trafficking to the definition of the Sex Offender Registration Act. It’s scheduled to be heard on Wednesday, March 20th at 4:00 PM in the Illinois House Judiciary – Criminal Committee.

Click HERE to file a witness slip in support of HB 5134.

Click HERE to send an email to your state rep to support HB 5134.


Kathy Valente
Kathy joined the IFI team as our Director of Operations in 2008. Previously, Kathy was the state director for Concerned Women for America for 4 years. But even before that, Kathy and Dave worked together as volunteer activists battling pornography and obscenity in the public square. Kathy has consistently taken a stand for traditional Judeo-Christian values and has worked tirelessly to foster a wholesome environment for family living, advocating for high community standards. Kathy recognizes that sexual immorality, pornography, obscenity, promiscuity, state sanctioned abortion and gambling threaten the moral fabric of our society. The well-being of our communities, the strength...
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