We’ve got Jack’s Back
By   |   09.29.17
Jack Phillips’ case going before the U.S. Supreme Court later this fall is a case that has the potential to alter the course of American history. If Jack loses in court, our ability to live out our faith will be...
Diane Feinstein Doubles Down on Her Discrimination Against Christians Holding Public Office
By   |   09.20.17
After an embarrassing rant about Christianity somehow disqualifying an individual from public office and impying that a religious test should be implemented for those seeking to hold public office, California Democratic Senator Diane Feinstein is doubling down on her remarks.
Profits of Hate: The Southern Poverty Law Center Video Special
By John Biver   |   09.12.17
“If you believe in traditional marriage and historic Christianity — watch out — there is a powerful organization that is trying to marginalize you by designating you as a hater — and they could even put your life in danger.”...
Downers Grove Village Council Ousts Only Conservative Library Board Member in Service of Inclusion
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.07.17
Can you hear the harmonious choir of diverse voices echoing from the Downers Grove Public Library Board of Trustees? You can’t? Oh, that’s right, Tuesday night in the service of diversity and inclusion, the Downers Grove Village Council expelled the one conservative member from the library board.
Conservative Organizations Join Forces to Expose the SPLC
By John Biver   |   09.06.17
The Illinois Family Institute has been covering the scandal surrounding the Southern Poverty Law Center for years, and now IFI has joined forces with the leaders of over three dozen conservative organizations from coast to coast to raise awareness about the true nature of the SPLC.
ACLU Backs Measure Restricting Religious Liberty
By   |   09.04.17
The American Civil Liberties Union has found another way to demonstrate it is turning its back on the Constitution by insisting on the restriction of religious freedom.
SPLC Challenged to Back Up Their ‘Hate’ Talk
By   |   08.26.17
A prominent Christian ministry is taking the Southern Poverty Law Center to task over its published list of what it considers "hate groups."
The SPLC: An Anti-Christian Hate Group
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.19.17
“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose...
Judge Loses Her Position for Belief in Traditional Marriage
By Andrew Willis   |   08.18.17
Busy schedule? Valid reason. Don’t know the couple? Valid reason. Watching football? Still a valid reason. Violates your conscience? You’re fired. Or so goes the logic of the Wyoming Supreme Court. In December 2014, a reporter asked Judge Ruth Neely...
Pregnancy Centers Win Second Injunction against Illinois Abortion Referral Mandate
By John Biver   |   08.10.17
A Federal District Court has granted a preliminary injunction in a right-of-conscience case, the controversy of which the Illinois Family Institute has been following for several years. The religious liberty defending law firm of Mauck & Baker, LLC is reporting some very good news out of that Federal District Court regarding an Illinois law mandating that pro-life medical personnel provide their clients with positive information about abortion services:
Silencing the Silencers
By Robert Knight   |   07.14.17
Frustrated by its inability to win elections, the left is attempting to silence opponents through intimidation, either in the streets or in the courts. The latest example is the hijacking of Guidestar USA by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). Guidestar is a database of more than 2 million nonprofit and non-governmental (NGO) organizations. It's considered the foremost authority on nonprofits, and had a self-avowed reputation for "remaining neutral."
Trump Admin Pressures Schools to Reinforce Transgenderism
By   |   07.12.17
The Trump administration's Department for Civil Rights at the Department of Education has issued a memo to schools stating that civil rights investigations will be launched against individuals at schools who refuse to address transgender students by their preferred gender pronouns.
When Transparency Really Means Tyranny
By   |   07.08.17
In his recent video for PragerU, National Review senior fellow David French illuminates the political buzzword of “transparency” and the Left’s illicit application of the concept to the private citizen. While the government possesses an obligation to be transparent in...
Charity-Rating Website Removes 46 Conservative Groups From ‘Hate List’
By John Biver   |   06.29.17
The nation’s leading source of information on U.S. charities announced it will modify its use of a controversial “hate group” designation in listings for some well-known and broadly supported conservative nonprofits. Thankfully, more and more Americans -- even those on the political left -- are learning the truth about the discredited Southern Poverty Law Center.
The U.S. Supreme Court and Religious Liberty
By David E. Smith   |   06.26.17
Great news! On June 26th, U.S. Supreme Court handed down a 7-2 ruling in favor of religious liberty! The High Court ruled in favor of a church in Missouri that sued the state after being denied taxpayer funds for a playground safety project because of a restriction that prohibited state taxpayer funding for religious institutions.
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