Kelly Cassidy’s Bill for Marriage Chaos in Illinois
By David Curtin   |   02.13.23
Illinois State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) has introduced H.B. 1591 in an attempt to insulate Illinois as a destination for same-sex couples to get a government "marriage" certificate. She and her like-minded friends believe that the U.S. Supreme Court may overturn the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges decision, striking down state bans on same-sex "marriage." Specifically, they fear that the majority of SCOTUS justices would overturn cases guaranteeing the rights to same-sex marriage, same-sex consensual relations and contraception by declaring the due process precedents, unconstitutional.
God and Christians at the Crossroads
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   02.11.23
The high incarceration rate in America has raised many questions over the years and is one reason used by the Left for demanding radical changes to or even a dismantling of the Nation. They sometimes try to blame America’s Judeo/Christian...
Words Matter
By Ecce Verum   |   02.11.23
Why is the Left bound and determined to force us to use their vocabulary? Aren't we all talking about the same things, whether we say "transgenderism" or "gender dysphoria," "homosexual union" or "homosexual marriage," "happy holidays" or "merry Christmas?" Let's take a brief overview of the biblical theology of language, shall we? I think we’ll uncover the very important answer.
Satan is Beginning to Show His Hand More Clearly
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   02.09.23
It’s as if Satan is coming out in full force, red tights and all – if not literally, then metaphorically. What else can be said of the performance of “Unholy” at the Grammy Awards this past Sunday night?
No God, No Rights
By Dr. Jerry Newcombe   |   02.04.23
When Vice President Kamala Harris gave a speech on the 50th anniversary of “Roe v. Wade” about a week ago, she infamously left out the Creator—when talking about our rights. One wag told me, “Hey, at least Kamala didn’t say, we ‘are created by … you know, the thing,’” as did her boss on the campaign trail.
May Sheriffs Disobey Illinois’ Assault Weapons Ban?
By Jonathan Alban   |   02.03.23
Illinois’s recent assault weapons ban has provoked more than a little consternation across the state—as it should. The ban, passed by Governor Pritzker on January 10 of this year, immediately banned the sale of “assault weapons” and magazines with a capacity greater than ten rounds. The ban also requires current firearm owners to register their now-illegal weapons with the Illinois State Police. There’s only one problem for Pritzker: The vast majority of Sheriffs in are not on board.
So, You Want a Divorce?
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   01.31.23
So, you want a divorce? You might just want to think that through a little bit first. Because of the importance of marriage to the individuals involved as well as society, someone has said, “We should make it hard to get married and harder to divorce.” Attitudes of most Americans and even Christians regarding marriage and family have changed radically over the last fifty years, but the consequences have been significant and detrimental. Because the family is the most important foundation stone of a stable and prosperous culture and nation, when the majority of the citizens take marriage lightly the very future of the nation is in doubt, to say nothing of the well-being of its children.
Top Expert Sounds Alarm on Surge in Antidepressant Use
By Alex Newman   |   01.30.23
As society decays and moves away from God, morality, and truth, more and more people — especially children — are being put on dangerous psychiatric drugs such as antidepressants. Meanwhile, a new study confirms once again that there is a...
Racist Language (Part 2)
By Ecce Verum   |   01.28.23
A little while back, we addressed the topic of "ableist language." Yes, "ableist" is now a word—enshrined in academia at the highest level. Stanford's Elimination of Harmful Language Initiative (EHLI) considers it offensive to use the term "stand-up meeting" to refer to a brief rendezvous, because people in wheelchairs are unable to physically stand, and therefore the term demeans them. Instead, we ought to use the substitute, "quick meeting."
Parental Rights and Teen Sexuality
By Israel Wayne   |   01.27.23
I just read an op-ed from a feminist author, published by CNN, who I will leave unnamed (no need to give her career free publicity), attacking the concept of parental rights... The irony is she believes schoolteachers, physicians and politicians SHOULD have the right to facilitate major life-changes for these impressionable young people.
LEFTISM: A Study in Hate
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   01.17.23
Many people throw the word “hate” around frequently and carelessly. One must wonder if they know what it means.  Examine a dictionary and you will discover it associated with words like intense dislike, detest, and loath. In the Bible the word is sometimes used to refer to the results of foolish actions, such as stating that a parent who fails to discipline a child hates him, because an undisciplined child is at great risk. A spoiled child, who does not get something he wants from a parent, such as a toy, may complain that the parent “hates” him! Much like Leftists who claim that those who resist their immorality “hate” them! Like anarchists they demand the freedom to do whatever they wish.
Illinois Buzzards Want Your Kids
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.11.23
There’s a grand act of un-creation taking place all across this nation. Leftists are busy with this ugly business of un-creating decency, order, justice, compassion, and beauty, and children play a central role in this ugly business. To leftists, children...
The Culture War
By Jonathan Alban   |   01.09.23
We’ve all grown accustomed—even jaded—to our culture’s sexual decline. But whatever the solution is, it doesn’t appear to be coming from the evangelical church.
Homosexual Lawmakers Abuse Legal System to Abuse Minors
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.06.23
Leftists have redefined “hate.” To them hatred refers to ideas and moral beliefs that they think harm others. So, using that definition, how do leftists hate people? Let's count the ways. Well, not all the ways. That would suck dry the wellsprings of hope from which we draw at the beginning of each New Year and which are granted to us by a gracious God who has jobs for us to do—with joy.
Ableist Language?
By Ecce Verum   |   01.03.23
Warning: you are about to encounter an onslaught of politically incorrect words. The following five phrases have been labeled "potentially harmful" by academia at the highest level, so interact with them at your own peril. Ready?
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