Almost Everything the Media Tell You About Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Is Wrong
A major new report, published today in the journal The New Atlantis, challenges the leading narratives that the media has pushed regarding sexual orientation and gender identity.
Obama’s Radical Revolution
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.22.16
The most radical cultural revolution in modern history is taking place, fomented and facilitated by Barack Obama’s egregious abuse of power. He is incrementally obliterating any public recognition of and respect for sexual differentiation. In Obama’s brave new world, immutable biological sex will be rendered meaningless.
Christian Physicians Join the Emerging Transgender Debate
Suddenly transgender rights is the hot “culture wars” topic. Religious folks with traditional convictions about such matters have been largely silent, or else many newswriters haven’t yet figured how to locate them in order to report the other side of this crucial debate.
Pastors Challenge IL Ban on Sexual Identity Counseling in Court
Illinois' ban on sexual identity counseling is facing a legal challenge from pastors who fear they could be charged with consumer fraud if they provide pastoral counseling to young people who want to turn away from same-sex attraction.
Why HAS the Church Been Caught by Surprise by the Body-Rejecting Revolution?
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.17.16
There’s a brief interview on the Desiring God website with Australian theologian and pastor Dr. Rob Smith. It’s titled “Why Did the Transgender Revolution Catch Us by Surprise?” Although it’s helpful in explaining the philosophical and political origins of the revolution to normalize the abnormal rejection of one’s biological sex, it ignores one of the most significant reasons that the so-called “transgender” revolution has caught most Christians by surprise: the failure of many (perhaps most) church leaders to address it.
CDC Reveals the Tragic Child Victims of Deviance-Normativity
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.15.16
The revolution to recast homoerotic activity as morally, ontologically, and teleologically equivalent to heterosexuality has been built on a foundation of lies, and one by one those lies are being exposed. Unfortunately, the same culture that swallowed those poisonous lies has been so thoroughly indoctrinated, or is so incapable of critical thought, or is so cowed by fear of homosexualists that the exposure of deceit will not matter.
Homosexualists Abuse the Constitution—Again
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.12.16
Men seeking sex with men have been using a particular public restroom in San Jose, California for their semi-clandestine, wholly vile activities for some years. In fact, it’s become such a popular gathering place for men whose unsavory sexual predilections involve public lavatories and strange men that a picnic table has been set up by the country health department offering free condoms and pamphlets about HIV and other sexually transmitted infections/diseases.
Pastors File Federal Lawsuit Against Illinois
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.11.16
As a result of the passage of the deceptively named “Youth Mental Health Protection Act,” the law firm of Mauck & Baker is today filing a federal lawsuit against the state of Illinois on behalf of a group of Illinois...
What the Supreme Court’s Ruling Means for Transgender Bathrooms in Schools
The U.S. Supreme Court signaled an interest in taking on the transgender bathroom debate on Wednesday, granting a Virginia school system temporary permission to keep its bathrooms separated by biological sex.
Boycott Targets Store’s Bathroom Policy
By Monte Larrick   |   08.03.16
While government municipalities, school districts and other entities advance a political agenda through co-ed bathrooms and dressing rooms, parents concerned about the safety and privacy of their kids are fighting back by boycotting a national retail chain.
Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan Wants Boys in Girls’ Restrooms and Showers
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.02.16
In an astonishing act of hubris, abrogation of local control over education, and obsequiousness to Barack Obama, Obama-handmaiden Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan has filed a “friend of the court” brief” (i.e., an amicus curiae brief) begging for...
Navy to Name Ship after ‘Gay’ Child Molester
By   |   08.01.16
Attention on the poop deck. It seems our “first gay president” intends to “milk,” with pride, his fetish for all things “LGBT” in the closing months (mercifully) of his catastrophic presidency. USNI News (U.S. Naval Institute) reports that the Obama...
Milo Yiannopoulis and Conservative Desperation
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.27.16
Some, perhaps many, within the Republican Party have of late been fawning over allegedly conservative activist Milo Yiannopoulis. For those who remain blessedly unaware of him, he is the foulmouthed, British, homosexual Breitbart News technology editor who was recently unjustifiably...
Tell Hilton Hotel chain to market responsibly
In the June, 2016, issue of Travel and Leisure magazine, Hilton Worldwide shocked readers by placing a full-page ad that featured two men in bed together. Click here to see the ad. Travel and Leisure isn’t a gay-specific magazine sent...
Target and the Transgender Video Voyeur
By   |   07.25.16
When Target announced its transgender-friendly restroom and fitting room policy in April, the American Family Association (AFA) almost immediately called for a boycott. (You can sign the petition here.) What alarmed us in particular was Target’s eagerness to allow grown...
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