Safe Spaces, Dangerous Schools
By Thomas Hampson   |   04.18.24
One of the commonly heard complaints of college students in the last several years is that the institutions of higher education they attend have failed to provide “safe spaces” for them. Students have complained that they feel unsafe because the professors or fellow students or administrators fail to acknowledge their chosen pronouns or that students of color feel unsafe in classes or dorms with white students.
Practical Steps Related to Prayer
By Brandon Myers   |   04.16.24
Pray faithfully in secret and grow in your prayer life by reading God’s written revealed Word and responding with heartfelt praise, sincere thanks, and bold-and-specific petitions for Christ’s church, candidates, and other civil magistrates. If you are a pastor pray faithfully and regularly in your Lord’s Day worship services for our state, our nation and the nations.
What Are You Buying Into?
By Ecce Verum   |   04.13.24
Have you ever wondered why so many companies invest so much energy and resources into being woke? After all, business seems like it should be about, well, business! Basic economics tells us that resources are always scarce, and the goal of a successful corporation is to use its resources more effectively than its competitors and thus make a profit.
What to Say?
I saw a Facebook post recently re-shared by a friend I admire. You will need to read it all the way through to get the gist of it. Since it was a public post, here’s some of it:
Keep Hammering! Unite to Restore Parents’ Rights!
Since its inception in January, the Parents Matter Coalition (“PMC”) has been on a mission to raise awareness, educate the community, and teach Illinoisans how to advocate for their families and push back on the legislators and bureaucrats who think they know better how to parent our children.
Feelings or Facts?
By Thomas Hampson   |   03.26.24
What we think is true can have the same effect on us as what is true. We have known this forever. But today, in our post-truth culture, we are becoming less concerned with discovering what is true and more focused on what we feel is true. Public opinion today is shaped more by emotion and personal beliefs than facts. The impact of this post-truth era is profound.
Its Nose in the Tent
By Thomas Hampson   |   03.11.24
The legislative effort to address bullying in Illinois started in 2006 when the Illinois School Code was amended. The act required schools to establish an anti-bullying policy, inform students and parents about it, and keep their updated policies on file with the Illinois State Board of Education.
Redefining Child Abuse
By Thomas Hampson   |   02.28.24
Whenever a legislator proposes a new law, supposedly, that new law is intended to solve some problem. But what problem does the law proposed by Anne Stava-Murray seek to solve in HB 4876? Her bill would expand the definition of child abuse to include a parent or other member of the household who...
Biden’s New Mandate for Gender Indoctrination
By Alex Newman   |   02.24.24
Under the guise of protecting the “civil rights” of students, the Biden administration unveiled a new regulation purporting to force government schools nationwide to bow before all the invented “gender identities” and sexual perversions that now dominate the “education” system. The rule would also purport to overturn state laws banning males in girls’ sports. 
“Three in One Flesh?”
By Ecce Verum   |   02.23.24
The "slippery slope" idea is sometimes a fallacy. But other times, it's simply the way the world works. Concerned conservative Christians—the ones who warned us that legalizing one sexual perversion would lead to another down the road—were right. Say hello to polyamory, 2024.
Polyamory and Open Marriage
By Kenna Rose   |   02.20.24
When a culture increasingly redefines marriage, marriage itself will eventually become meaningless. If marriage can mean anything you want it to, then it actually means nothing. An example of this is a new trend that is emerging in our country: open marriages and polyamory.
Edwardsville HS: Installing Multi-gender, Multi-stall Bathroom
By Kathy Athearn   |   02.16.24
This September, Edwardsville H.S. will begin construction on its building to include multi-stall, unisex bathrooms... Doing so will force girls to share bathrooms with boys and vice versa – all in an effort to be more “inclusive” to transgender students. School Board officials decided to move forward with a bathroom remodel after HB 1286 was signed into law by Gov. Pritzker last year.
Children’s Health & Parental Rights on the Chopping Block!
By David E. Smith   |   02.12.24
We are calling your attention to an alarming and pathetic bill that is currently pending in the Illinois General Assembly. We are hoping and praying that there is a strong response in opposition to this totalitarian effort to this outrageous effort to dismantle parental rights in Illinois.
The Most Rigorous Sexual Ethicist Ever: Jesus Christ
By David E. Smith   |   02.11.24
Did Jesus have anything to say about homosexuality? Do we have any authority to say that any sin is worse than another? Just how important is the issue of homosexuality to the church today? In the video below, Dr. Robert Gagnon sets the record straight during his session at the IFI Worldview Conference in 2022...
Securing Our Future
By Thomas Hampson   |   02.09.24
Our ability to protect children from sexual exploitation is declining every day.  The environment has become sexually saturated.  Prime-time programs on broadcast television promote casual sex, even for teens.  Pornography is impossible to avoid short of disconnecting all electronics.  Standards of dress and conduct have become eroticized.  Societal taboos about sexual experimentation have severely eroded, and internal inhibitions have steeply declined.
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