Christianity, The Bible and Sexual Sin
It seems like every year I see more and more people who identify as Christians siding with the LGBTQ agenda.  This seems to be even more prevalent this month, considering that it's "pride month," with many who identify as Christians showing their pride in homosexuality.
Being a Real Man
By Jonathan Lewis   |   06.12.21
Our culture is sending mixed messages on what it means to be a man. What does the Bible say?
Proof We Don’t Quit
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   06.09.21
Was Noah a successful preacher?

According to 2 Peter 2:5, Noah was a preacher of righteousness. God, in His mercy and perfect judgment, saved only eight people from the cataclysm of the flood.
American Christians, Tyranny, and Resistance
By Oliver Perry   |   05.20.21
Our American government is increasingly hostile to Christianity. Just look at the news.

No room for religious opposition. The Equality Act is again before Congress. In 2020, the same bill was called the “Criminalizing Christianity Act.” Once enacted, you’ll be denied the right to oppose abortions on religious grounds. You’ll also have to accept the transgender lie that men are women if they say they are...
Don’t Give Up!
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   05.18.21
Does voting matter anymore? Does it really matter whether I contact my elected representatives? You probably have considered these questions many times. Paul Johnson, in his excellent book Modern Times, recounts the 1960 Presidential election where John F. Kennedy squeezed...
The Vital Signs of American Christianity: Critical But Not Terminal?
Recently, I compared crucial vital signs for Americans aged 18 to 44, surveyed in the respected National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG). I compared the data released in 2013 to the same survey released just six years later, in 2019. Here’s what the data show:
Critical Race Theory Finds a Home at Wheaton College
By Laurie Higgins   |   05.14.21
It’s a curious phenomenon that racists rarely see their own racism—the plank in their own eyes. That was true during the long, torturous days of slavery. It was true during the long torturous days of Jim Crow laws. It was...
Has the World Overtaken the Church?
By Micah Clark   |   05.05.21
There was a troubling recent story in Christianity Today that reveals many churches are failing the call to be in the world, but not of the world. It seems that most young Evangelical Christians now embrace cohabitation, living together before marriage. Most Evangelicals under the age of 45 have cohabited, or plan to do so in the future, or are open to the possibility.
Drag Queen Sunday at a Central Illinois Church
By Christine Misner   |   05.01.21
At first glance someone viewing Bloomington, Illinois’ Hope United Methodist Church’s Sunday morning worship service online might chuckle about the 1980s style “big hair” worn by the redheaded woman addressing viewers on April 11. But looks can be deceiving. That particular Sunday was Drag Queen Sunday, and the person speaking was Ms. “Penny Cost,” the drag alter ego of Isaac Simmons, Hope Church’s director of operations.
Christians Who Undermine Their Christian Witness
By Laurie Higgins   |   04.23.21
A comment from Tish Harrison Warren writing in and for the increasingly disappointing Christianity Today on Jan. 7, 2021 merits revisiting now that the damage Donald Trump voters predicted if Joe Biden were elected is becoming a reality. Warren wrote,...
The Importance of Praying for our Nation and Our Leaders
By David E. Smith   |   04.22.21
The story has been told of a foreign visitor who was being given a tour of Washington, D.C. by an American friend of hers. She was amazed at the size of the monuments, the buildings, and so forth. Then she...
You Can’t Do Everything
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   04.21.21
If you are a God-fearing, concerned Illinoisan, you likely have considered leaving the state or wondered what you can do about our corrupt state of affairs if you choose to or must stay.

The wicked legislation coming out of Springfield, the promotion of abortion, and the takeover of education can feel overwhelming. It is difficult trying both to keep up on all that is going on and figure out how to effect positive change.
Church Attendance Continues to Atrophy
By Calvin Lindstrom   |   04.08.21
According to a recent poll, only about 1 in 3 registered voters in Illinois attends church weekly or more than once a week. This translates to less than 1 in 3 residents and citizens of Illinois who hear the Word of God faithfully proclaimed and are part of the public worship of the only true God. When we are not hearing God’s Word, what is going to happen to a society?
Resurrection Sunday: When Jesus “Cancelled” Death
I have bad news: I’m dying. I have worse news: so are you. Whether sick or healthy, young or old, Christian or not, conservative or liberal, democrat or republican, each of us has an inevitable date with the moment in which we will depart this world. Most of us have a bit of trouble with this. In fact, of all the things that scare us, for most, death is the ultimate terror.
Four Gospels & Four Resurrection Stories

The Lord is risen indeed... (Luke 24:34)

The Bible is a compilation of sixty-six blessed and unique books. Among those books are four we refer to as the Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Each of these is an account of the earthly life and ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ. 
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