The Shaming of Wheaton College by Shameful Organizations
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.01.16
I just read with interest a breaking “news” story on Wheaton College that reported that Wheaton has been listed as the “worst” college on the Princeton Review’s list of “LGBTQ-Unfriendly” schools and included on the “Shame List” by Campus Pride, an organization committed to normalizing homoeroticism.
Citizens Taking a Stand Against IL School’s Bathroom Policies
By Monte Larrick   |   08.23.16
A group of suburban Chicago students and parents are fighting the Obama administration’s policy to make public school restrooms and locker rooms accessible to the opposite sex.
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Bachmann_date_tumbnailIFI Faith, Family & Freedom Banquet We are excited to have as our...
2 Special IFI Forums With Dr. Duke Pesta
By David E. Smith   |   08.20.16
We have scheduled to bring in Dr. Duke Pesta, a nationally renown expert on the dangers of Common Core, to head up special forums in Springfield and Collinsville.
Why Do People Still Donate to Universities?
There was rare good news this month. On August 4, The New York Times published a front-page article headlined, "College Students Protest, Alumni's Fondness Fades and Checks Shrink."
What the Supreme Court’s Ruling Means for Transgender Bathrooms in Schools
The U.S. Supreme Court signaled an interest in taking on the transgender bathroom debate on Wednesday, granting a Virginia school system temporary permission to keep its bathrooms separated by biological sex.
IFI to State Board of ED: Don’t Comply With Obama’s Locker Room Mandate
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.29.16
At the DNC Convention, Michelle Obama made this presumptuous statement: [T]his election and every election is about who will have the power to shape our children for the next four or eight years of their lives. Her husband’s non-legal attempt...
Rotten to the Common Core: Two Events Exposing the Massive Education Takeover
By Monte Larrick   |   07.20.16
Dr. Duke Pesta says if you add up all the facts, it’s clear: Common Core is fueling the crisis in American education. The acclaimed education reformer contends that Common Core is a huge federal government overreach that is quickly making...
Black Lives Matter, the Chicago Urban League, and Suffering Children
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.18.16
Recently, ABC 7 Eyewitness News anchor Terrell Brown interviewed Shari Runner, the president and CEO of the Chicago Urban League on the problems of black-on-black violence and the Black Lives Matter movement. Her predictable responses sound like she just returned...
Trouble in Bakersfield
Last week, Chad Vegas, a good friend of mine and the Reformed Baptist pastor in Bakersfield, California emailed me as follows: As you know, CA has mandated this [school transgender policy] for the whole state. I have served on the largest high school board in CA, and the nation, for 12 years. I basically lead that board. Our board voted to adopt the new law into policy. I voted against it. I was breaking the law for doing so. I could be personally sued and our attorney tells me the board insurance won't cover me because I am breaking the law and I am a bigot...
Amidst a Darkening Education System, Homeschooling is Thriving
By Monte Larrick   |   07.07.16
Concerned parents may want to use part of this summer to evaluate their children’s education and consider Christian home education as a strong and moral option to a leftist controlled government school.
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Responding to Multi-Gender Bathrooms
By Monte Larrick   |   06.30.16
A conservative leader is weighing in on the “bathroom wars.” Dr. Alan Carlson says making restrooms and locker rooms multi-gender is just a piece of the broader LGBTQ agenda. The founder of the Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society...
Harvard Law Professor to Conservatives: You’re Losers, Live With It.
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.27.16
Conservative friends, if it weren’t clear to you already that the halcyon days for theologically orthodox people of faith in America are over, read the ominous, hostile, and arrogant words of Mark Tushnet, William Nelson Cromwell professor of law at...
Think Everyone is Doing It? Think Again:  Teen Sex Plummets
“Teenagers have sex. Deal with it.” That was a dismissive statement by a blogger in 2012 who taught at Yale University's School of Public Health.
Social Scientists Discover Conservatives Aren’t Psycho
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.13.16
Perhaps some remember the plethora of news stories a few years ago touting a 2012 research paper that purported to show that authoritarian personality types tend to be politically conservative. In a remarkable turn of events the researchers have admitted...
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