Tag Archives: Sanctity of Life
Stonestreet: The Beautiful Biblical Vision of the Human Person
“All men are created equal” and “man is created in the image of God”—these two statements are arguably some of the most important concepts in American history and in Christianity, respectively. But what do they have to do with each other, and more importantly, what do they really mean?
John Stonestreet, President of the Colson Center for Christian Worldview, addresses these questions and more in his lecture on the Imago Dei, delivered at the 2019 Illinois Family Institute Worldview Conference. Expounding on such themes as “what does it mean to be human?” and “how do we become good …
No Me Hablen Acerca de Compasión…
America Is Split Right Down the Middle on Abortion, Poll Shows
What Does it Mean to be a Conservative?
What does it mean to be a Conservative? Historically, issues of faith and family that reflect traditional morals and values – the sanctity of life, heterosexual marriage, and belief in God and in His Word – have been the primary hallmarks of conservatism. But today, a new type of Conservative is emerging, one that identifies as an atheist, transgender, or gay. How (or can) we reconcile our established definition of conservatism with the views presented by these new, non-religious, non-traditional, self-proclaimed Conservative voices?
Dr. Michael L. Brown contrasts the foundational importance of faith, family, and freedom to the traditional conservative …
Charlie Gard’s Chilling Case Should Serve as a Dire Warning for Parental Rights in the United States
On July 27, 2017 a judge made the final decision in the case of Charlie Gard, ordering that the infant be moved to hospice for his last days on this earth. Charlie was one of 16 known children in the world to have mitochondrial depletion syndrome. This condition is a very rare terminal illness which causes progressive muscle weakness and brain damage.
This decision followed the determination of the hospital that he would be better off dead. The European Court of Human Rights backed this decision. According to BBC News the court determined that further treatment would “continue to cause …
Our Failing Demographics
In an exhibition gallery, somewhere …
Welcome to our display of demographic failures! Here you will see amazing things, from both near and far. Behind this first curtain we have … Japan! It’s a nice place but the locals don’t seem to like it much. You see, their families aren’t having many children. As their birth rate is only at two-thirds of the needed replacement rate, experts see Japan’s population dropping by a third within 50 years.[i] Even now, parts of the Japanese countryside have been abandoned, left to return to the wild.[ii]
Moving to our second curtain …