Tag Archives: God

The Incredible Shrinking Me

We are all infected from birth with an insatiable desire to be somebody. Even shyness is but an ironic twist on that desire. The Scriptures call it “the pride of life,” and names it as one of three categories under which all sins fall. Our hunger to be recognized or known colors everything we do.
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God, The Perfectionist

God is loving, we are told, and thus accepts us as we are.  The idea that God will judge people for their sins is now so unpopular that few are willing to state it publicly, and many pastors have sadly bowed to the pressure to present a palatable God, a doting “Grandpa” who silently approves of His children regardless of their conduct. 
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Secularism or Paganism?

For the last century, the United States of America has engaged in a great secular experiment: what if we pretended that God was irrelevant? What if we pretended that we could make laws that ignored God? Could the ‘public square’ be a place of free, rational discourse—free from claims about the implications of Christian theism on public life? This pretended neutrality has served to reveal one thing: that the line between secularism and paganism is dangerously thin.
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Helping Your Teen Walk With God

The teen years are vitally important for your son or daughter’s spiritual life. Most teens experience dramatic ups and downs in their faith and relationship with God. Your student needs a spiritual connection with you more than ever before.

Whether your student is spiritually thriving or struggling, this seminar with Dr. Rob Rienow will encourage you. You will be equipped with key Scriptures and practical ways that you can build a stronger relationship with your teen so you can help them follow Jesus.

This FREE seminar is sponsored by Wheaton Academy & Visionary Family Ministries

Register here.…

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The Shape of Things to Come in the Biden/Never-Trumper Dystopia

Good job, David French, Ed Stetzer, Christianity Today, Lincoln Project, and other assorted Never-Trumpers. The senile, morally corrupt President-Elect of the once great United States of America just nominated a delusional man with a cross-dressing fetish to be the assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services. Now decent people won’t be able to teach their young children about our president's cabinet. With Dr. Richard "Rachel" Devine's appointment will come Big Brother's prohibition of “misgendering” Devine. In other words, Big Brother and his minions will command all Americans to mis-sex the burly Dr. Devine. Not gonna do it. Wouldn’t be prudent.
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Ten Things That Are True About God Today

I recently wrote about the value of asking ourselves during challenging times the question “What is true about God right now?”

With all that’s going on in our nation these days, perhaps now would be a good time to reflect on that question in the context of current events.

Here are ten things that are true about God no matter what’s going on in the world around us.

#1: He’s Still in Control

Psalm 97:1: “The LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof.

No matter the outcome of an election, God is still …

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The Importance of Today

Have you ever noticed how easy it is to be lazy sometimes? Or distracted? Or preoccupied with “important” things? Or forgetful of our values and what really matters? I was thinking about parenting recently, and it struck me that it’s easy to talk about how vitally important Christian parenting is in a broad, general sense, but then get lazy in our day-to-day practice.
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The NFL and the Black National Anthem

In a cowardly effort to lick the jackboots of Black Lives Matter, the NFL is reportedly going to have every NFL game during Week 1 open with the song “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing,” long known as the “black national anthem,” followed by the American national anthem, the “Star-Spangled Banner.” According to the Associated Press, the NFL is also “considering putting names of victims of police brutality on helmet decals or jersey patches.”
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Because Black, Red, Yellow, Brown, and White Lives Matter, Let’s Help Them

Black lives do matter, but not because they’re black—which, as “progressives” continually tell us—is just a social construct. Black lives matter not because of the color of their skin but because they are human lives created in the image and likeness of God and endowed by God with unalienable, intrinsic rights.
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PODCAST: Because Black Lives Matter

Black lives do matter, but not because they’re black—which, as “progressives” continually tell us—is just a social construct. Black lives matter not because of the color of their skin but because they are human lives created in the image and likeness of God and endowed by God with unalienable, intrinsic rights.

read here

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A Call to Pray for Illinois

Please join us at the Illinois capital to pray for wisdom for our leaders, God’s mercy for our state and another Great Awakening.

The time to pray is now. Please join us!

Click here to view event flyer

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Recent Barna Survey Shows Majority of Americans Rely on Prayer to God

A survey conducted online between June 5-9, 2017 by the Barna group poll shows that many Americans still rely on prayer as a means to communicate with God. The study shows that prayer is the most common faith practice among adults with 79 percent of the population engaging in prayer at least once in the past three months. Here are some of the interesting things the study found...
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The Secularization of the West and the Rise of a New Morality (Part 2)

The claim that humanity can only come into its own and overcome various invidious forms of discrimination by secular liberation is not new, but it is now mainstream. It is now so common to the cultures of Western societies that it need not be announced, and often is not noticed.
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