Tag Archives: gambling
More than 200 Pastors Join IFI in Urging Gov. Quinn to Veto SB 744
The Illinois Family Institute has sent a letter to Governor Quinn, with more than 200 signatures of Illinois pastors. The letter implores the governor to veto the massive gambling bill passed by the Illinois General Assembly during the closing days of the Spring Session — Senate Bill 744.
The Chicago Crime Commission warned to expect more scandal and corruption that this expansion of gambling will surely bring.
“It greatly concerns us that gambling’s presence is growing rapidly in Illinois . It is already the fourth leading cause of bankruptcy and the fastest growing teen addiction,” said David E. …
Casino No Quick Fix; Pro Arguments Ridiculous
By Steve Scherrer, Rockford Pro-Family Activist
True leadership requires individuals who have a clear vision on how to build a better future for their constituents. Our local political class, business leadership and newspaper, in their passionate pursuit of a Rockford casino, all seem mesmerized by the allure of a quick fix to this area’s economic problems. The arguments the pro-casino advocates are putting forward are in some cases ridiculous.
Chuck Sweeny’s column June 26 indicates he thinks that a 401(k) and putting money in a slot machine represent a similar investment. I have the image in my mind of financial …
Interview With Chairman of IL Gaming Board and Impact of More Gambling
Aaron Jaffe, chairman of the Illinois Gaming Board, appeared on WTTW Chicago Tonight this week. Please watch this informative video: July 20, 2011 – Illinois Gaming Chair | Chicago Tonight | PBS Video
Steve Chapman’s recent column seems to dismiss critics who are concerned about the impact of the massive expansion of gambling and the legalization of video gambling statewide. The results of a natural experiment in South Dakota, suggest that the accessibility and availability of video gambling machines is an important factor in the number of people being adversely impacted by gambling.
The National Gambling Impact Study Commission …
Brazen D.C. Online Gambling Demos in Shadow of Alleged Wrongdoing
One bet is for sure: Gambling expansion never sleeps.
Where loopholes in the law exist, gambling will find a way to bypass the intent of the law. Where masses of people visit or live, gambling will find a way to exploit them. Where there is money to be had, gambling interests will mine it, regardless of the harm caused. It’s the nature of gambling and greed.
Such is the sad irony playing out in our nation’s capital with a recent lottery-based online gambling amendment.
District of Columbia council member, Michael A. Brown, slipped an amendment …
Urge Gov. Quinn to VETO Predatory Gambling Bill
Although the massive gambling bill passed the Illinois General Assembly in the waning days of the Spring Session, Governor Patrick Quinn has made it clear that he is not excited about the size of this gambling expansion. In a press conference on June 1, 2011, Quinn told reporters that he thought this gambling bill was “excessive.”
According to a Chicago Sun-Times article, Quinn also said “I’m beholden to the people of Illinois, not to legislators, not to mayors. The people of our state, all 13 million good and true, they’re the ones who I get up in the morning …
Massive Gambling Bill in Springfield
Please take three minutes to respond to this call to action!
With just a few days left before their scheduled May 31st spring session adjournment, Illinois state lawmakers do not have much time left to pass a budget, pension and retiree health care reform, workers’ compensation reform, and create new legislative districts for 2012.
As if they didn’t have enough to do, one of the proposals making their priority list is a massive gambling bill (SB 744) that would create five new casinos in the Land of Lincoln, including one in Chicago. This legislative proposal would authorize additional …
Gambling Action Alert: Legislators working on Gambling Expansion
Rep. Lou Lang is drafting an amendment to a (shell) bill passed in the Senate, according to the Chicago Tribune. If the bill passes in the House, the bill would go back to the Senate for a vote, but no amendments will be added according to Rep. Lang.
The Chicago Sun-Times recently published an editorial supporting a casino in Chicago and slots at six racetracks. The new Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, has expressed interest in a city-owned casino, and Governor Quinn is “open to discussing proposals” that raise revenue, create jobs and lead to greater investment in …
Support SB 17 to Repeal Video Gambling
In 2009, the Illinois General Assembly passed and Governor Patrick Quinn signed into law, a bill allowing liquor-serving establishments to have up to 5 video gambling machines. The bill was and continues to be highly controversial. The law allows cities and counties to pass ordinances banning video gambling machines. Eighty communities and counties have passed bans. Ironically, the city of Chicago already had such a ban.
Earlier this week, State Senate President John Cullerton (D-Chicago) announced that he was introducingSB 17, a bill that would repeal the state’s troubled video gambling law.
Take ACTION: Contact your lawmakers to …
Tell Springfield Lawmakers “No More Gambling” and “No More Taxes!”
Springfield lawmakers apparently think you are not taxed enough and that predatory gambling is good for Illinoisans.
As you probably know by now, Illinois’ Democrat leaders — Governor Patrick Quinn, House SpeakerMichael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton — are proposing a plan to raise your income tax by 75 percent.
Their plan would increase the personal income tax rate by 2.25 percent (from 3 to 5.25 percent) for the next four years. They claim that two percentage points of this increase would be temporary. And despite Illinois’ anti-business reputation, their proposal would also increase the corporate tax …
Gambling Action Alert
SB 737 was amended in committee and passed in the Senate during the Veto Session. Sen. Terry Link, the sponsor of SB 737, told the Republicans who complained about inaction on the budget and employment that this bill would deal with both of those issues by generating a billion dollars a year in new state revenues and creating thousands of new jobs, according to Capitol Fax.
Adding 11 more casinos will not help horse racing, nor will it solve the budget and cash flow problems in the State of Illinois. It has taken over 10 years to approve …
Video Gambling Bills HB 4927 & SB 744 Sent to Governor Quinn
Senate Bill 744 was sent to the Governor on June 25. Governor Patrick Quinn (D) has 60 days to sign SB 744 and HB 4927, which was sent to the governor on on June 17. These bills legalize non-stop video gambling at truck stops 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and Penny bets that prey on the poor and vulnerable to keep them gambling. HB 4927 also contains provisions to allow those who have been operating illegal gambling machines to qualify for a license as long as they have not been convicted of gambling, which is rare …
Ban Video Slot Machines in Niles
Dear Friends,
Elected officials in the Village of Niles are hosting an Open Meeting to discuss an ordinance to ban video gambling machines within city limits. The meeting is scheduled for next Wednesday, June 30, 2010, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Village Hall, 1000 Civic Center Drive. Input will be welcomed from Niles citizens and Niles businesses.
Take ACTION: Click HERE to send an email to Niles Mayor Robert M. Callero to encourage him to vote in favor of banning video slot machines in Niles. You can also call the Mayor’s office at 847-588-8000 .
Please …