Tag Archives: Abortion

Gallup Poll Finds More Americans Pro-Life Than Pro-Abortion, The “New Normal”

The Gallup released the results of a new survey confirming, for the third time in the last year, that more Americans call themselves pro-life than “pro-choice” on abortion. That’s enough for the respected polling firm to say a pro-life majority is the “new normal” in the United States.

According to a May 3-6 Gallup poll, 47 percent of Americans say they are pro-life on abortion versus 45 percent who say they are “pro-choice,” supporting legal abortions.

This is nearly identical to the 47% to 46% division Gallup found last July, which was down from the 51-42 percent split favoring the …

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Attorney General Now Claims Illinois Constitution Contains Right to Abortion

Thomas More Society Responds by Seeking Leave of Court to Defend Parental Notice

Chicago, Illinois March 12-Reacting to the recent claim by the Attorney General that the Illinois Constitution contains a right to abortion, attorneys from the Thomas More Society will appear in Cook County court on Monday, March 15, again seeking to intervene in the latest American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) lawsuit, challenging the Illinois Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995. 

In Hope Clinic, et al., v. Brent Adams et al. (No. 09 CH 38661), Thomas More Society attorneys are representing Illinois State’s Attorneys Stu Umholtz (R-Tazewell), Ed

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Students Send Sweet Message to Springfield

College students travel to Springfield to lobby against “The Reproductive Health and Access Act”, deemed “Illinois FOCA”.

Springfield, IL – On Thursday, February 11, Illinois students will converge in Springfield for a lobby day hosted by Students for Life of Illinois, calling it “Cupcakes at the Capital”. Their lobbying efforts will focus on dissuading the Illinois General Assembly from passing “The Reproductive Health and Access Act”. The bill has been called the Illinois Freedom of Choice Act, due to its radical agenda to remove commonsense restrictions on abortion ranging from parental notification to right of conscience laws for …

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