Tag Archives: Abortion

SCOTUS to Hear Major Abortion Case on Women’s Health

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) is poised to render a decision next year that will be its most significant ruling on the abortion issue in more than twenty years.  The SCOTUS has agreed to hear a challenge to a Texas law that establishes health and safety regulations for abortion clinics.

The Texas Legislature enacted the abortion regulation statute in 2013.  It required that all abortion clinics in the state meet the same medical operating standards as other outpatient surgery centers.  It also required that doctors performing abortions have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles of …

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ACLU Uses Hard Cases to Bully Catholic Hospitals

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is ramping up its campaign to use the courts to force all Catholic hospitals to provide abortions and sterilizations.

The strategy is clear: Use the anecdotal exception to destroy the general rule.

In the current scenarios, the ACLU is representing women who claim they need to be sterilized because of alleged threats to their health posed by future unwanted pregnancies, or they need to have access to abortion in case they have complications.

The women could utilize the services of another hospital. But instead, they are suing to force Catholic hospitals to perform the …

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Go in Through the Fetus’ Face

Do not avert your eyes from the sickening, sanitized savagery that Planned Parenthood and the U.S. government through law and subsidies perpetrates against weak, vulnerable, innocent humans—and then rationalize.

In the 7th video exposé of Planned Feticide Federation of America and the attendant filthy fetal tissue procurement business, phlebotomist Holly O’Donnell describes the day she participated in the mutilation of an aborted baby, whose stilled heart was jumpstarted by a ghoulish fetal tissue procurement technician (Jessica), who says, “Hey, Holly, come over here. I want you to see something kinda cool. It’s kinda neat.”

O’Donnell recounts how her colleague …

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Former Abortion Clinic Owner: ‘We Created Demand for Abortion by Pushing Sex Ed on Kids’

“How do you sell an abortion? In the US it’s very simple: You do it through sex education,” former abortion clinic owner Carol Everett told participants at the Rose Dinner following the National March for Life on Thursday in Ottawa.
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Forcing Families to Pay for Other People’s Abortion Pills Isn’t Freedom

Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys filed a brief Wednesday that responds to the Obama administration’s defense of its abortion pill mandate in one of two major legal challenges the U.S. Supreme Court will hear on March 25. Alliance Defending Freedom and allied attorneys represent the Hahns, a Pennsylvania Mennonite Christian family, and their woodworking business in one of those cases, Conestoga Wood Specialties v. Sebelius.

The mandate forces employers, regardless of their religious or moral convictions, to provide insurance coverage for abortion-inducing drugs, sterilization, and contraception under threat of heavy financial penalties if the mandate’s requirements aren’t met.

“In …

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Movie Continues to Change Millions of Minds About Abortion

Ray Comfort’s short movie 180 continues to influence people to turn away from abortion.

180 is the story of eight people who were all for abortion, but in a matter of minutes or seconds change their views to become pro-life. The movie has impacted the lives of many people throughout the world, and is now in 20 languages. Ray Comfort of Living Waters Ministries tells OneNewsNow about a woman who viewed the film and was inspired from that to go to a Tempe, Arizona, abortion mill and try to convince women not to abort.

Comfort, Ray“She was wearing a 180 t-shirt …

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