Top 10 Attacks on Christians in 2008
Top 10 Attacks on Christians in 2008
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Last year was particularly contentious with the presidential election, marriage protection amendments in three more states and numerous other controversial issues in the public debate. One of the most distressing trends last year was the brazen attack on Christians and their faith.

California Proposition 8’s focus on protecting natural families drew attention to the Christian belief in a heterosexual, nuclear family unit and resulted in unprecedented Christian bashing.

The Christian Anti-Defamation Commission (no longer in service) compiled a list of the most egregious attacks on Christians and published them on their web site. Included on the list was the internet video featuring several famous Hollywood actors in a spoof musical play (no longer available) that attacked Christians for supporting Proposition 8. Another finalist on the disgraceful list was the contemptuous assault on Vice Presidential candidate and Alaska Governor Sarah Palin’s Christian faith.

To read the full Top 10 list click HERE.

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