13 Catholic U.S. Senators Vote Against Religious Liberty
13 Catholic U.S. Senators Vote Against Religious Liberty
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Today, the U.S. Senate, by a vote of 51 – 48, defeated the effort led by Senator Roy Blunt (Missouri) to pass the Respect for Rights of Conscience Act as an amendment to pending legislation. Thirteen Catholic Senators joined the majority.

“By consenting to the disastrous HHS mandate, the U.S. Senate has taken the unprecedented step to deny our religious liberties instead of defending the Constitution,” said Matt Smith, president of Catholic Advocate. “It is disappointing to witness a group of senators misled on this issue at the expense of one of our key founding principles.”

The following is a list of how the 24 Catholic Senators voted on the Blunt amendment:

Senator Mark Begich (Alaska, D) – Opposed

Senator Lisa Murkowski (Alaska, R) – Supported

Senator Marco Rubio (Florida, R) – Supported

Senator Tom Harkin (Iowa, D) – Opposed

Senator James Risch (Idaho, R) – Supported

Senator Richard Durbin (Illinois, D) – Opposed

Senator Mary Landrieu (Louisiana, D) – Opposed

Senator David Vitter (Louisiana, R) – Supported

Senator John Kerry (Massachusetts, D) – Opposed

Senator Barbara Mikulski (Maryland, D) – Opposed

Senator Susan Collins (Maine, R) – Supported

Senator Claire McCaskill (Missouri, D) – Opposed

Senator John Hoeven (North Dakota, R) – Supported

Senator Mike Johanns (Nebraska, R) – Supported

Senator Kelly Ayotte (New Hampshire, R) – Supported

Senator Robert Menendez (New Jersey, D) – Opposed

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (New York, D) – Opposed

Senator Bob Casey Jr. (Pennsylvania, D) – Supported

Senator Pat Toomey (Pennsylvania, R) – Supported

Senator Jack Reed (Rhode Island, D) – Opposed

Senator Pat Leahy (Vermont, D) – Opposed

Senator Maria Cantwell (Washington, D) – Opposed

Senator Patty Murray (Washington, D) – Opposed

Senator Joe Manchin III (West Virginia, D) – Supported

“Faithful Catholics should take the opportunity to thank those Senators supporting our religious liberties,” added Smith. “It is our duty as laity to hold those who did not support our values accountable and vote our conscience when the time comes.”

The full Catholic Advocate Congressional Scorecard is available at scorecard.catholicadvocate.com.

The Respect for Rights of Conscience Act amends the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act “to permit a health plan to decline coverage of specific items and services that are contrary to the religious beliefs of the sponsor, issuer, or other entity offering the plan or the purchaser or beneficiary (in the case of individual coverage) without penalty.”

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