U.S. Bishops Take a Stand Against Pornography, Applauded by NCOSE
U.S. Bishops Take a Stand Against Pornography, Applauded by NCOSE
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Statement by Patrick Trueman, NCOSE President

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) applauds the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which voted today to adopt a formal statement about the crisis of pornography, entitled “Create in Me a Clean Heart: A Pastoral Response to Pornography,” at the annual Fall General Assembly. NCOSE commends the bishops’ stand against pornography as exploitive and harmful material.

“The bishops’ statement is critical, because we are facing a public health crisis of pornography, which affects nearly every family in America. This comprehensive, forceful, pastoral statement on the harms of pornography will have a monumental effect on the Church and on all of American society,” said Patrick Trueman, NCOSE President and CEO. “We are grateful to see so many faith communities beginning to address the public health crisis of pornography. However, I hope the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops goes a step further and develops a specific plan of action for every Catholic Church that will include at least the following five steps:

1) A comprehensive training program for all priests and religious personnel, including teachers and youth group leaders, outlining the harms of pornography, strategies to combat the pandemic, and recovery programs to help those affected.

2) The availability in all churches and parish libraries of updated educational materials on the harms of pornography, strategies to avoid harm, and recommendations on blocking and accountability software.

3) An updated comprehensive list of experienced counselors, psychologists, and psychiatrists who treat pornography addiction made available to every parishioner.

4) Age-appropriate anti-pornography lesson plans for inclusion in Catholic school curricula.

5) Inclusion of training on the harms of pornography to marriages and families in all pre-cana programs and marriage retreats.”

About National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE)

Founded in 1962, National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) is the leading national organization dedicated to opposing pornography by highlighting the links to sex trafficking, violence against women, child abuse, and addiction. Our scope and mission to expose the seamless connection between all forms of sexual exploitation.

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