Witness Slips for the Week of March 17th
Witness Slips for the Week of March 17th
Written By Kathy Valente   |   03.17.25
Reading Time: 8 minutes

The battle continues and your participation is making a difference!

The pushback on the homeschool bill has been outstanding. An unprecedented 31,000+ witness slips have been filed in opposition verses only a little over 700 in support! The Democrats and their allies, the teacher’s unions, still want to pass it because children are leaving public schools at what they see as alarming rates. But the opposition numbers have made them pause. We don’t ultimately know what they’ll do, so the pressure needs to continue. As soon as a bill amendment is filed to HB 2827, we will put out another alert. The 31,000 witness slips won’t be attached to the amendment, so we will be encouraging you to file another witness slip.

We’re certain you’ll agree that there are other bills that are equally as dangerous if you’re a follower of Jesus Christ.

Witness Slip Instructions

(In any field where the system requires text be submitted, such as Firm/Business or Title, type in self.)

Section I. Enter your name, address, city and zip code. (Do not use punctuation.)

Section II. Leave it blank if you are not a representative of a group or business.

Section III. Check your position as Opponent or Proponent, depending on the bill.

Section IV. Unless you are filing a written statement, select Record of Appearance Only.

Lastly, agree to the terms of agreement by checking the box.

Click Create (Slip).


HB 1328 – Rep. Robyn Gabel (D): Termed “End-of Life Options for Terminally Ill Patients Act,” it only provides one option: lethal drugs by a physician for the purpose of ending one’s life by suicide. **OPPOSE**  The hearing in the House Executive Committee, Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 10:00 AM, Room 212 Capitol Building or Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 4 PM in Room 212 Capitol Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip in OPPOSITION of HB 1328. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 1328 if it passes out of committee.

HB 2585  – Rep. Curtis Tarver (D): Prevents law enforcement officers from pulling over a vehicle based solely on the odor of burnt or raw cannabis; removes the requirement that cannabis has to be in an odor-proof container. to **OPPOSE** The hearing is in the House Judiciary – Criminal Committee on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 4 PM, Room D-1 Stratton Building or House Judiciary – Criminal Committee on Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 2 PM, Room C-1 Stratton Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip in OPPOSITION of HB  2585. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 2585 if it passes out of committee.

HB 2679 – Rep. Margaret Croke (D): Amends the Criminal Code to protect abortion clinics as “vital public facilities” (but not churches or pregnancy care centers) from “terrorist acts.” Catholic Vote tracks abortion activist attacks on Catholic churches. They have recorded over 400 since 2020. In the last year 90 pregnancy care centers have been been set on fire, firebombed and vandalized. In addition, peaceful protesters have been arrested and sentenced to jailtime. Some elderly. **OPPOSE** The hearing is in the House Judiciary – Criminal Committee on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 4 PM, Room D-1 Stratton Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip to OPPOSE HB 2679. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 2679 if it passes out of committee.

HB 2904  – Rep. Dagmara Avelar (D): Creates the Health Care Transparency Act. Provides that the Department of Public Health shall identify reproductive health care services, LGBTQ health care services, and end-of-life health care services and develop an education and awareness program regarding how denial of care may negatively impact health care access and quality. (Ironically, the aforementioned services end life, not provide access to quality healthcare.)  **OPPOSE**  The hearing is in the House Health Care & Accessibility Committee on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 4 PM, Room C-1 Stratton Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip HB to OPPOSE 2904. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 2904 if it passes out of committee.

HB 3489 – Rep. Michelle Mussman (D): Redefines the “practice of pharmacy” to include assessment and consultation of patients and the dispensing of emergency contraception, otherwise known as the morning after pill, an abortifacient.  **OPPOSE**  The hearing is in the House Health Care & Accessibility Committee on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 4 PM, Room C-1 Stratton Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip HB to OPPOSE 3489. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 3489 if it passes out of committee.

HB 3637 – Rep. Dagmara Avelar (D): Amends numerous health care laws. Prohibits the Illinois Department of Health from taking disciplinary action against a person who has had their license, registration, and/or permit revoked from another state as a result of violating the state’s laws against certain procedures, such as abortions. Additionally, a drug not approved by the Food & Drug Administration, but one that has been recommended by the World Health Organization shall not be deemed an adulterated drug, even if the drug’s labelling reflects prior approval that is no longer in effect.  **OPPOSE** The hearing is in the House Health Care & Accessibility Committee on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 4 PM, Room C-1 Stratton Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip HB to OPPOSE 3637. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 3637 if it passes out of committee.

HB 2381  – Rep. Laura Faver Dias (D): Requires 4 hours of LGBTQ+ inclusivity training for all school board members. **OPPOSE** Hearing is in the House Education Policy Committee, Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 8:00 AM, Room 122b Capitol Building or Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 2 PM, Room 122b Capitol Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip HB to OPPOSE 2381. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 2381 if it passes out of committee.

HB 2960 – Rep. Laura Faver Dias (D): Requires public school health education courses to include instruction in mental health and keeps pupil’s health or mental health information confidential from parents. The bill states that students would be given instruction on how to find help from professionals within the school. Are these the same professionals that are telling students they can be a girl or a boy? Or they can have sex with whomever they choose? The same ones that are keeping from parents when a student wants to change genders (as if that’s even possible)? Or using the student’s name and pronouns of their choice without the parent’s knowledge? Hearing is in the House Education Policy Committee, Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 8:00 AM, Room 122b Capitol Building.  **OPPOSE**  Hearing is in the House Education Policy Committee, Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 8:00 AM, Room 122b Capitol Building or Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 2 PM, Room 122b Capitol Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip HB to OPPOSE 2960. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 2960 if it passes out of committee.

HB 3049  – Rep Tracy Katz Muhl (D): Damages the solemnization of marriage by allowing parties to marry themselves without an officiant. **OPPOSE** Hearing in the House Judiciary – Civil Committee, Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 8:00 AM, Room 114 Capitol Building or  Thursday, March 20, 2025, 2 PM, Room 114 Capitol Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip HB to OPPOSE 3049. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 3049 if it passes out of committee.

HB 2343 – Rep.Marcus Evans (D): Provides state loans and grants for cannabis businesses, including loan forgiveness, to “social equity applicants.” (Your tax dollars at work!)  **OPPOSE** Hearing in the House Executive Committee, Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 10:00 AM, Room 212 Capitol Building or Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 4 PM in Room 212 Capitol Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip HB to OPPOSE 2343. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 2343 if it passes out of committee.

HB 2706Rep. Elizabeth Hernandez (D): Amends the Illinois Trust Act, in a number of ways, strengthening the ban that prohibits Illinois law enforcement officers from cooperating in any way with federal immigration officers. **OPPOSE** Hearing in the House Executive Committee, Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 10:00 AM, Room 212 Capitol Building or Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 4 PM in Room 212 Capitol Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip HB to OPPOSE 2706. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 2706 if it passes out of committee.

HB 2992Rep. Theresa May (D): Creates the Healing Opportunities through Psilocybin Equity Pilot Program Act. Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic found in a certain variety of mushrooms. It produces hallucinations. Notice the name of the bill. It’s straight out of the “medical” marijuana playbook. HB 2992 provides immunity from criminal and civil liability for licensees with respect to manufacturing, delivery, and possession of psilocybin products. If this is good for Illinois, why would they need an immunity from liability clause?  **OPPOSE**  Hearing in the House Executive Committee, Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 10:00 AM, Room 212 Capitol Building or Thursday, March 20, 2025 at 4 PM in Room 212 Capitol Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip HB to OPPOSE 2992. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 2992 if it passes out of committee.

HB 2793 – Rep. Nicholas Smith (D): Amends the School Code. Teacher evaluation ratings on record as “unsatisfactory” will be considered “ineffective,” while “excellent,” “proficient,” or “needs improvement” will be considered “effective.” Hearing is in the House Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools Committee on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 2 PM, Room 115 Capitol Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip HB to OPPOSE 2793. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 2793 if it passes out of committee.

HB 1374 – Rep. Jennifer Gong-Gershowitz (D): Requires doctors performing health exams on children be required to question the child on the safe storage of firearms practices within the home.  **OPPOSE** Hearing is in the House Gun Violence Prevention Committee on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 2 PM, Room 118 Capitol Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip HB to OPPOSE 1374. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 1374 if it passes out of committee.

HB 1398 – Rep. Maura Hirschauer (D): Requires the Illinois Department of Public Health to ensure that doctors performing health exams on children be required to question the child on the safe storage of firearms practices within the home. **OPPOSE** Hearing is in the House Gun Violence Prevention Committee on Wednesday, March 19, 2025, at 2 PM, Room 118 Capitol Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip HB to OPPOSE 1398. Click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE HB 1398 if it passes out of committee.


HB 2400 – Rep.  Michael Kelly (D): Classifies aggravated criminal sexual assault as a Class X felony for which 5 years shall be added to the term of imprisonment and predatory criminal sexual assault of a child as a Class X felony with a minimum term of imprisonment of 11 (rather than 6) years. **SUPPORT**  The hearing is in the House Judiciary – Criminal Committee on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 4 PM, Room D-1 Stratton Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip in SUPPORT of HB 2400. Click HERE to email your state representative to SUPOPORT HB 2400 if it passes out of committee.

HB 1333  – Rep. Paul Jacobs (R): Repeals the Reproductive Health Act and creates a number of Pro-Life Acts including provisions defining “viability.”  **SUPPORT**  The hearing is in the House Health Care & Accessibility Committee on Tuesday, March 18, 2025 at 4 PM, Room C-1 Stratton Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip in SUPPORT of HB 1333. Click HERE to email your state representative to SUPPORT HB 1333 if it passes out of committee.

HB 1269 – Rep. John Cabello (R): Requires parental permission before a student under 18 can participate in a self-report survey that may reveal personal, protected information; requires the school to allow the parent to review the questions to be asked. **SUPPORT**  Hearing is in the House Elementary & Secondary Education: Administration, Licensing & Charter Schools Committee on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 2 PM, Room 115 Capitol Building.

ACTION: Click HERE to file a witness slip in SUPPORT of HB 1269. Click HERE to email your state representative to SUPPORT HB 1269 if it passes out of committee.

Kathy Valente
Kathy joined the IFI team as our Director of Operations in 2008. Previously, Kathy was the state director for Concerned Women for America for 4 years. But even before that, Kathy and Dave worked together as volunteer activists battling pornography and obscenity in the public square. Kathy has consistently taken a stand for traditional Judeo-Christian values and has worked tirelessly to foster a wholesome environment for family living, advocating for high community standards. Kathy recognizes that sexual immorality, pornography, obscenity, promiscuity, state sanctioned abortion and gambling threaten the moral fabric of our society. The well-being of our communities, the strength...
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