With the last few weeks of the legislative session in Springfield coming to a close, many of the anti-life, anti-family bills haven’t passed either chamber thanks, in part, to your efforts. It does make an impact when you email your lawmakers and file witness slips. Thank you!
There are two good bills that we support. They are moving forward and have passed out of the chamber in which they originated. Now they will go through the same process in the other chamber. Please take a few minutes to file witness slips and email the appropriate lawmakers.
Please SUPPORT These Bills
HB 5184 will amend the School Code to require that a school “policy on bullying” must be age and developmentally appropriate.
The Illinois Senate Education Committee is scheduled for TUESDAY at 1:30 PM.
Click HERE to file a witness slip in support of HB 5184.
Click HERE to email your state senator to support HB 5184.
SB 2824 allows for a child that has been removed from his parent or guardian by DCFS and goes to live elsewhere, to still be able to attend his or her original school tuition-free.
The Illinois House Elementary & Secondary Education Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, May 1 at 2 PM.
Click HERE to file a witness slip in support of SB 2824.
Click HERE to email your state representative to support SB 2824.
We’ll keep you updated on other bills if they get assigned to committees.
Thank you for partnering with us
in our attempts to make Illinois a better place for families.