The Springfield Capitol is teeming with activity this week. Some of the bills we notified you about last week have not yet been called. There is still time to file witness slips on some of them. They are listed at the end.
Other bills are newly scheduled for hearings this week. To file a witness slip, please follow these simple steps:
Click on the link.
Section I, for Firm/Business, leave blank or write self – unless you represent a group.
Section II, leave blank or write self – unless you represent a group.
Section III, click either Opponent or Proponent.
Section IV, click Record of Appearance Only.
Agree to the terms and click Create Slip.
Please File PROPONENT Slips for These Bills:
HB 1072 – Requires school boards to ensure parents are free to petition the school board, provide public comment at all public meetings, have access to certain information, are well-informed on specified subject matters, have the right to meet with a pupil’s teacher at least twice per school year, and post curriculum and learning materials on the school district’s website.
Elementary & Secondary Education Committee, Wed., March 8th at 8 a.m. in C-1 Stratton.
Also, Thurs., March 9th at 12:00 p.m. in 118 Capitol.
Click HERE to file a witness slip as a proponent of HB 1072 (C-1 Stratton).
Click HERE to file a witness slip as a proponent of HB 1072 (118 Capitol).
HB 1148 and HB 2343 – Abortion clinics shall offer a woman seeking an abortion the opportunity to view her baby after 8 weeks gestation before having any abortion.
Health Care Availability & Accessibility, Tues., March 7th at 4 p.m. in C-1 Stratton.
Click HERE to file a witness slip as a proponent of HB 1148.
Click HERE to file a witness slip as a proponent of HB 2343.
HB 1162 – Prohibits mobile abortion units.
Health Care Availability & Accessibility, Tues., March 7th at 4 p.m. in C-1 Stratton.
Click HERE to file a witness slip as a proponent of HB 1162.
HB 1163 – Repeals the radical Reproductive Health Act which allows abortion through all nine months and encodes into law that unborn children have no rights.
Health Care Availability & Accessibility, Tues., March 7th at 4 p.m. in C-1 Stratton.
Click HERE to file a witness slip as a proponent of HB 1163.
Please File OPPONENT Slips for These Bills:
HB 1 – Legalizes psychedelic mushrooms, LSD, and other hallucinogens.
House Executive Committee, Wed., March 8th at 10 a.m. in Room 118 Capitol Bldg.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1.
HB 3 House Committee Amendments 1 , 2, and 3 – Bans disclosure to authorities if a newborn has drugs in his/her system; changes many pronouns to gender-neutral; provide medical care to mother and newborn based on World Health Organization guidelines and not the “generally accepted standards.”
House Public Health Committee, Thurs., Match 9th, D-1 Stratton Building.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HCA 1.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HCA 2.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HCA 3. (gender-neutral pronouns)
HB 1485 – Suspends teaching of all American history curriculum in public schools for the 2023-24 school year. Creates a commission to “reframe” history curriculum to include all diverse viewpoints. Resumes teaching of this revamped American history in 2024-25 school year.
Elementary & Secondary Education Committee, Wed., March 8th at 8 a.m. in C-1 Stratton.
Thurs., March 9th at 12:00 p.m. in 118 Capitol.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1485. (C-1 Stratton Bldg.)
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1485. (118 Capitol)
HB 1499 – Provides that a county or municipality may issue temporary event licenses to allow for the sale and consumption of cannabis, cannabis-infused products, and cannabis paraphernalia.
Executive Committee, Wed., March 8th at 10 a.m. in Room 118 Capitol.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1499.
SB 218 – Allows physician assistants to prescribe drugs (including abortifacients) without a doctor’s authorization.
Licensed Activities Committee, Wed., March 8th at 1 p.m. in 400 Capitol.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against SB 218.
From Last Week:
Thank you if you have already filed a witness slip against the following bills! If not, we have included them here for your convenience as the bills were not heard in committee last week.
HB 25 – Increases the number of marijuana craft grower licenses plus allows advertising.
House Executive Committee, Wed., March 8th at 10 a.m. in 118 Capitol Bldg.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 25.
HB 29 – This bill punishes parents for disciplining their child. If a parent “transmits any verbal or visual message” intended to cause emotional distress to their child, he or she can be charged with parental bullying. If convicted, the parent would have to pay court costs and any fine imposed by the court. The fine would be placed in escrow until the child turns 18, at which time he or she would be able to purchase a certificate of deposit with the monies.
House Judiciary-Criminal Committee, Tuesday, March 7th at 4 p.m. in Room D-1 Stratton Building.
Also,Thurs. March 9 at 12 p.m. in C-1 Stratton.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 29. (D-1 Stratton)
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 29. (C-1 Stratton)
HB 31 – Allows marijuana craft growers to have more than one license; requires 60 more craft licenses by March 15, 2024.
House Executive Committee, Wed., March 8th at 10 a.m. in 118 Capitol Bldg.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 31.
HB 39 – allows all current prisoners to vote in elections.
House Ethics and Elections Committee, Tues., March 7th at 2 p.m. in Room 413 Stratton.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 39.
HB 1046 – Requires Dept. of Public Health to establish “reproductive health clinics” across the state; allows midwives to do abortions; eliminates “neglected child” definition if controlled substances are found in newborn’s system and prohibits reporting such to authorities.
House Public Health Committee, Thurs., March 9th at 8 a.m. in D-1 Stratton.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1046.
HB 1087 – Changes law to say that a child cannot be considered abused or neglected because a parent repeatedly uses illegal drugs.
Adoption & Child Welfare Committee, Tues., March 7th at 2 p.m., 122B Capitol Bldg.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1087.
HB 1090 – From January 1, 1970 and thereafter, all criminal records of possession of cannabis will be expunged. (Note: It is common for criminals to plea bargain down from a more serious offense to possession.)
House Executive Committee, Wed., March 8th at 10 a.m. in 118 Capitol Bldg.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1090.
HB 1205 – Allows for the weight of legally allowed cannabis to be deducted from the larger amount confiscated to determine an offense of possession. Prohibits search of cannabis in a vehicle.
House Executive Committee, Wed., March 8th at 10 a.m. in 118 Capitol Bldg.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 1205.
HB 2039 – Allows all private health data be made available to a local health department “for the purposes of preventing or controlling disease, injury, or disability” and allows Dept. of Public Health, Dept. of Human Services, and Dept. of Healthcare and Family Services to “adopt any rules necessary to implement the Act.”
House Public Health Committee, Thursday, March 9th at 8 a.m. in D-1 Stratton
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 2039.
HB 2118 – Provides that hypodermic syringes and needles can now be sold in any quantity, anywhere, anytime (instead of exclusively by a pharmacist).
House Health Care Availability and Accessibility Committee, Tues., March 7th at 4 p.m. in C-1 Stratton.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 2118.
HB 2463 – Allows anyone to file a complaint with the Attorney General to investigate pregnancy care centers to shut them down; imposes $50,000 fines on any center suspected of “deceptive practices.”
Health Care Availability & Accessibility Committee, Tues., March 7 at 4 p.m. in C-1 Stratton.
Click HERE to file a witness slip against HB 2463.
Thank you for speaking out!