PODCAST: South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Disappoints on Trans Law

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has revealed multiple times that she lacks both wisdom and courage when it come to the issue of cross-sex impersonation. She just vetoed a bill (HB 1217)  that would have required participation in school athletics at all levels to correspond to objective, immutable biological sex rather than immaterial, subjective feelings about “maleness” and “femaleness.” In so doing, she failed girls, disappointed conservatives, and reneged on her enthusiastic and public commitment on March 8 to sign the bill.

Noem has sent the bill back to the legislature with changes she says must be made in order for her to sign it, and she’s now doing what weaselly politicians always do: She is using weasel words to try to conceal that she has capitulated to the “trans”-cult and to those who will profit from leaving bad enough unmolested.

Noem offers several rationalizations for her disappointing capitulation. She claims she’s merely tinkering with the “Style” and “Form” of the bill—not with its substance—and she claims she’s merely trying to prevent potential lawsuits that may emerge from language pertaining to the prohibition of anabolic steroids. Oh really? See if you, kind readers, think these are merely changes in “Style” and “Form.”

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem Disappoints on Trans Law
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