PODCAST: Leftists Say Freely Choosing Feticide Is Now Non-Elective

There’s nothing quite like a crisis to bring out the best in people. There’s also nothing quite like a crisis to bring out the worst in people. Case in point, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer’s idiotic defense of prohibiting doctors from performing “non-essential” surgical procedures, including joint replacements, while allowing doctors to continue to perform freely chosen, that is, elective abortions.

Before discussing Whitmer’s idiotic statement, let’s remember that abortion—i.e., the deliberate killing of a human prior to his or her delivery—is never necessary to save the life of a woman. While there are emergencies that require a pregnancy be terminated to save the life of a mother, terminating a pregnancy never requires the prior and intentional killing of her baby—also known as human slaughter. To be clear, a pregnancy can be terminated via a Cesarean section, which does not involve the direct killing of a baby. Sometimes the emergency delivery of a baby prior to full gestation will result in its death, but such a death is not an abortion. Therefore, abortion is never necessary to save a mother’s life. If it’s never necessary to save a woman’s life, abortion is by definition non-essential.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Leftists Say Freely Choosing Feticide Is Now Non-Elective
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