PODCAST: Fools and Hypocrites Defend Abortion

Nothing exposes the ignorance and evil of “progressivism” quite like discussions of the rights of the most vulnerable among us.

Nothing exposes the hollowness of leftist claims to care about social justice, the poor, and the weak like their bloodthirsty eagerness to keep the slaughter of humans in the womb legal.

Nothing exposes the loathing of leftists for those deemed “other” by the powerful than their seething rage at the possibility they may lose the right to kill those they “other.” Leftists view humans with defects and humans created by the criminal acts of their fathers as undeserving of existence. Leftist “othering” of imperfect humans and humans conceived through evil acts is so extreme that they shriek apoplectically at the claim that even these tiny, innocent humans are part of the human family.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Fools and Hypocrites Defend Abortion
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