PODCAST: E-Racing Women’s Sports

Burly, unpleasant cyclist, and pretend-woman “Rachel” McKinnon, previously known as Rhys McKinnon, recently “dominated the competition at the Masters Track Cycling World Championships in Manchester, England… celebrating her [sic] second consecutive world title and world record in the 200-meter match sprint. A transgender woman representing Canada, the 37-year-old earned her [sic] second world record in a qualifying race.”

McKinnon, a 37-year-old, 6-foot, 200-pound associate professor of philosophy at the College of Charleston in South Carolina who started cross-sex hormone-doping just 8 years ago, indignantly tweeted recently that he has taught courses on “Sports and Ethics.” Remarkable. McKinnon has taught a course on sports and ethics as he trounces women in their own sport. Now “trans” cultists have redefined unethical as ethical.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: E-Racing Women's Sports
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