PODCAST: Are Progressives Allies of Women or Misogynists?

Leftists seek to destroy every created thing that emerges from or depends on the real and foundational distinctions between males and females. Eradicating all distinctions between males and females entails socially constructing a false understanding of marriage. It entails distorting the public understanding of the purposes for and boundaries of sex and reproduction. It entails transforming the public understanding of the needs and rights of children. And it entails a wholesale assault on all sex-associated phenomena, including clothing, hairstyles, grammar, private space usage (e.g., bathrooms, locker rooms, dorm rooms, nursing home rooms, and prison cells), sports, and even human bodies.

What accounts for the zealous, quixotic mission to eradicate all distinctions between male and female—a mission that began in earnest in the 1960’s? Ultimately, this is a rebellion against God who created us male and female, who identifies himself as Father—not mother—and whose incarnate child was a son—not a daughter. The scope and enormity of this cultural and spiritual revolution could only be inspired by the father of lies, aided and abetted, of course, by fallen humans.

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Laurie's Chinwags
Laurie's Chinwags
PODCAST: Are Progressives Allies of Women or Misogynists?
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