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Your worldview is like a pair of glasses. They sit right in front of your spiritual eyes, affecting your perception of everything you see.

There are often times when my mind weighs in on hot button issues as I consider a “pastoral response.” Not being a pastor—but having served in various ministry leadership roles—makes this not too much of a stretch. I feel for pastors who take a stand—and pay for it.

Generation Z is plagued by substance abuse. Over 13 million people aged 18-25 reported marijuana use in 2022. In addition to this, “Gen Z drug use outpaces all other age groups for factors such as prescription benzodiazepine misuse and cocaine use.”

Did you know that Planned Parenthood, the most prominent abortion provider in the U.S., is likely struggling right now for survival?

Assisted suicide and euthanasia are often supported based on misconstrued beliefs that assisted suicide is compassionate and humane because it ends the suffering that is caused by intractable pain at the end of life. However, evidence has shown that the reasons that patients actually request assisted suicide are not often related to pain, but are due to psychosocial distress arising from fear.

Government schools across Texas are protecting child rapists and abusers, even allowing them to be legally shifted around to other schools to abuse more children, according to official documents and data compiled by researchers. It is happening in Illinois too... consider the test alarming reports about the sexual assaults on students in Chicago Public Schools.

Please come, learn, and be challenged to live above the fray in today's Babylonian culture. Learn how to respond to a culture that is in full rebellion against God and His ways.

President Trump wants to abolish the U.S. Department of Education. Sounds outrageous to some. This move aligns with his broader agenda to reduce federal involvement in local matters.

Next Wednesday, one committee in the Illinois Senate and another committee in the Illinois House are scheduled to hear arguments for and against assisted-suicide legislation - SB 9 and HB 1328, respectively. We urge you to fill out witness slips for both committee hearings!