Intolerant State Journal-Register Publishes Anti-Family (Anti-Natural Marriage) Cartoon Again
Intolerant State Journal-Register Publishes Anti-Family (Anti-Natural Marriage) Cartoon Again
Written By David E. Smith   |   05.20.08
Reading Time: 2 minutes

With the recent Oligarchic decision in California to overturn that state’s ban on homosexual marriage, the State Journal-Register again revealed their radical bias, hypocrisy and outright intolerance toward people of faith.

The Springfield State Journal-Register (SJ-R) owes an apology to the hundreds of thousands of Illinois citizens whose consciences, tenets of faith, and common sense compels them to stand for natural marriage.

Once again, editorial cartoonist Chris Britt and the SJ-R published a false and malicious depiction of IFI and anyone who would stand in defense of the historic definition of marriage.

You can also email Mr. Broadbooks directly at at or call him at (217)788-1500. To contact Mr. Britt, send an email to

Here is what veteran pro-life, pro-family advocate Arlene Sawicki had to say:

I find highly offensive the May 18th cartoon in the State-Journal Registrar aimed at the Illinois Family Institute and those who support the sanctity of marriage between one man and one woman. Here we have a prime example of twisted, liberal journalistic license used to malign the constitutional liberties of a Christian organization championing the time-honored definition and Divine purpose of marriage.

In their minds, only the IFI “discriminates!!” That’s downright hypocritical and laughable!

This insult calls for our quick counter-action. I am proposing that Christians throughout the State of Illinois make their protests known. The “voice of the people” needs to be heard loud and clear. According to the Constitution of Illinois, “same-sex marriage” is ILLEGAL — and with the help of its voting citizens, it will remain so.

Arlene is absolutely correct — just who is the real phobic here? In an attempt to condemn us for our politically incorrect opposition to counterfeit marriage, Britt himself commits the politically correct offense of anti-religious bigotry, or maybe what some would call moralityphobia.

I guess intolerance is a right exclusively reserved for liberals by liberals.

Long ago, in the book, “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s,” two homosexual activists and marketing professionals strategized that if they were to succeed in implementing their agenda, they would need to demonize Christians.

Perhaps they underestimated how easy it would be to get the media to do their dirty work for them.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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