Daily Herald Backs Marriage Redefinition
Daily Herald Backs Marriage Redefinition
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Written by Jim Finnegan, IFI Board Member

I am not at all surprised at the Daily Herald’s endorsement of homosexual “marriage.” As a long time reader of the Herald, it does hurt! However, when one remembers the support of abortion on demand by the Herald over the past 40 years, it goes right along with today’s attack on family and children. Over 50,000,000 dead unborn babies, and now their willingness to intentionally deny children either a father or mother.  Once again we wonder, “who will be there to pick up the pieces?” 

One questions this old friend regarding how those enlightened souls on their editorial board suddenly seem to be infused with a knowledge that so many others have missed since time immortal. 

Were their parents and grandparents since the beginning of time simply wrong on living their lives beholden to God’s clear words on this issue? “For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh,” or the commandment given to Moses “Honor thy father and thy mother.” It was not honor thy father and father, or mother and mother. 

As a society we must not confuse tolerance with what is or is not moral. A huge difference between civil rights and chosen sexual behavior. When we allow homosexual “marriage” we create a same-sex family. Children grow up not understanding the proper relationship between a man and a woman, a husband and wife. Partners A and B on the bogus wedding certificate attests to that. 

The two most loving dads can never provide the unique nurturing skills of the missing mom, and visa-versa. All past studies show the damage that often occurs to the children when a family split occurs. 

Call your state legislators today and stop this foolishness from happening. Demand that they protect the God given gift of traditional/sacramental  marriage.  The Capitol switchboard number is (217) 782-2000.



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