Civil Rights v. Civil Unions Press Conference (Part 2)
Civil Rights v. Civil Unions Press Conference (Part 2)
Written By David E. Smith   |   01.22.11
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Earlier this week I wrote an article about how the Main Stream Media (MSM) snubbed a well publicized press conference with over 40 African-American religious and political leaders who gathered “to decry the misrepresentation of King’s legacy and the noble civil rights cause.”

IFI wants to share with our readers (and as many people as possible) video segments from each speaker who attended the press conference. Supporters of natural marriage and Judeo-Christian morality will be tremendously encouraged watching and listening to these short video clips. Please share them with your friends, children, grandchildren and neighbors.

In this article, IFI is making another six segments available. We hope to finish editing the balance (an additional 7 speakers) and make them available next week.

Below is a short quote from each of the speakers. Click on the link to watch the Youtube video clip:

“[Issues] that require referendum, where there should be public debate, cannot be slipped in and become law through ‘lame duck’ politicians who do not want to righteously represent the districts that have elected them to take our concerns to the General Assembly…”

~Apostle Stephen A. Garner, Rivers of Living Water Ministries

Click HERE to watch Apostle Garner’s video segment.

“It is no secret, that any and every group that claims to fight for Civil Rights has used Dr. King and black suffrage as their poster child for change. In some sad instances, blacks have allowed themselves and our struggle to be prostituted by these political operatives.”

~Rev. Isaac Hayes, Former Congressional Candidate

Click HERE to watch Rev. Hayes’ video segment.

“I am here to challenge the church to stand up for what it says it believes. It is time that we become outside agitators again. It is time that we become disturbers of the peace. It is time that church stand up and be the church.”

~Dr. Eric Wallace, Publisher & Editor in Chief, Freedom’s Journal Magazine
President, Wallace Multimedia Group LLC

Click HERE to watch Dr. Wallace’s video segment.

“I am appalled at each and every one of our government officials who voted for this bill (same-sex ‘civil unions’)… Our government was founded on Christian principles, and those of us who are Christians are supposed to take a stand and speak out…”

~Mildred Richardson, Executive Director, South Haven Pregnancy Center

Click HERE to watch Mrs. Richardson’s video segment.

“Instead of focusing on the ‘three R’s,’ reading, writing and arithmetic, [school administrators] are consumed with extra-circular activity such as the Day of Silence, building sex-orientated high schools, or reading non-conformative gender role story books to our first graders. Books like King and King, where it depicts two little boys kissing on the cover. Now I ask you, how does that type of activity propel and prepare our future generation for what is waiting for them when they step out?”

~Kathy Barnette, Professor of Finance, Conference Speaker, Writer (, and mother.

Click HERE to watch Mrs. Barnette’s video segment.

“I am sadden and outraged at the passage of the ‘civil unions’ bill. It grossly misuses the civil rights legacy, and it misuses it for a political agenda that is built upon destroying the family… I am blessed and honored to be here today among friends who refuse to stay silent… It is about building strong families so that we can build a better tomorrow. And that basis is built on marriage between a man and a woman…”

~Cedra Crenshaw
Professional Accountant, former candidate for Illinois State Senate and mother.

Click HERE to watch Mrs. Crenshaw’s video segment.

Please help us get this information out far and wide. While most of Chicago’s Media outlets ignored our press conference and our message, we can circumvent these gatekeepers by using today’s technology to spread the truth!

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David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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