AFA to Duggars:  We’ve Got Your Back
AFA to Duggars: We’ve Got Your Back
Written By   |   11.26.14
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Randy Sharp, director of special projects for the American Family Association, explains that the homosexual lobby has launched a major petition drive to convince The Learning Channel (TLC) network to drop the show “19 Kids and Counting,” one of the most successful programs the cable channel has ever had.

“But in reality this isn’t a message about the homosexual activists trying to silence a Christian family,” he says. “This is a homosexual activist group that’s trying to silence the Word of God.”

The anti-Duggars petition accuses the family of “fear mongering against gays and transgendered people” for opposing a “civil rights” ordinance passed in mid-August by the Fayetteville (Arkansas) City Council. The ordinance, which is now facing a special-election repeal vote on December 9, would in part permit transgendered people to use public restrooms of their choice.

Leading up to the August decision, Michelle Duggar – in a recorded robocall – urged residents of Fayetteville to stand against the ordinance, stating: “I don’t believe the citizens of Fayetteville would want males with past child predator convictions [who] claim they are female to have a legal right to enter private areas that are reserved for women and girls.” That precipitated the online petition blasting the Duggars and calling for them to be removed from TLC’s lineup.

Sharp goes on to say that the Duggars speak the truth, the Bible – and contends that activists cannot effectively challenge what is very plainly spoken in scripture: that homosexuality is an abomination to God.

“They can’t attack the message, therefore they attack the messenger,” says the AFA spokesman. “The Duggars are everything that’s right with America. They’re everything that’s right with the family. They’re everything that’s right with living out a Godly lifestyle. The homosexual lobby doesn’t like truth.”

TAKE ACTION:  AFA has launched a petition drive of its own to convince TLC that many Americans would be terribly disappointed to see “19 Kids and Counting” forced off the air by homosexuals. The pro-family group hopes to gather one million signatures by Christmas.

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