What Does a Miscarriage Teach You About Abortion
What Does a Miscarriage Teach You About Abortion
Written By Richard M. Hartian   |   07.30.14
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Written by Richard M. Hartian

What does a miscarriage teach you? Well, a lot really. Much depends upon how you personally have chosen to view life – your world view. Family is deeply important to all of us, both those that believe in God and those that don’t. The gift of a man and woman being able to come together and participate in the creation of life is a miracle.  One that many, painfully, for one reason or another, are unable to experience.

My wife and I recently had a miscarriage, and I wrote about the personal side of it here.

Ask anyone who has had a miscarriage, and they will tell you. They lost their child; there is no debate over who’s body it was. The mother knows full well that no part of her body died. It was a child that died inside my wife’s womb; we know a child was lost. A separate and distinct life that was dependent upon my wife’s body for nutrients and protection.  Not dissimilar to how children of all ages look to their parents for the basics of life (love, sustenance and shelter).

When it’s personal (a matter of how it affects you), science and facts are often irrelevant to your feelings and actions. What’s relevant is your world view (defined as: the overall perspective from which one sees and interprets the world) and how you personally choose to see life. Science has already confirmed that when a woman is pregnant, there is a separate and distinct human life growing inside the womb. Yet, some still proclaim that it’s their body, and they want freedom to do as they will with the life that is dependent upon it’s mother.

Much of the world is desperately looking to find life on Mars. Scientists are seeking to find the remains of just a single cell organism, and when they think they are close they proclaim, “We have found evidence of life on Mars.” Yet we are unable to declare that a baby in the womb is life.

We create antiseptic terms to make it sound as though the baby is not a baby – that it is not life. Embryo for the first three months and fetus until the child is born. We call the decision to end the life growing in the mommy’s tummy as “pro-choice” to make it palatable and sellable to a public that does not really want to know what is happening.

But the soul of the woman that ended the life growing inside her mourns internally with an ache that does not go away.  It lives under the consciousness affecting the woman’s thoughts and choices for the rest of her life.

When we lost our child, we mourned. Not surprisingly many other families that have had a miscarriage mourned with us. Feeling the pain of a lost child is normal and healing. How much pain does society force on the mother that kills her own child by acting as though a life was not ended with an abortion? Those that have had an abortion must mourn the loss of their child.

How sick has society become…

Despicable and evil politicians continue to assert that a partial birth abortion needs to be permitted…a procedure that kills the child as it is in the process of birth. Where those who the child’s eyes first see take a pair of scissors and insert them in the back of the baby’s head and open them wide while sucking out the child’s brain.  All of this, while little fingers are moving and the baby’s body is experiencing its first and last day of life (partially) outside the womb.

Abortion is not about the child, who is a separate and distinct human life. Abortion can be brought down to one thing – does the mother want the child or not.

Did my wife and I want or expect to have another child? No. But the moment we knew she was pregnant, we started to plan and get ready for the change. My wife’s diet changed, just as so many women change their eating and drinking habits – to care for the human life – the person, the baby – alive, growing and maturing inside her womb.

It is a parent’s role in life to sacrifice their personal preferences and desires for the welfare of their children. It is an essential component of a healthy society. Without unconditional sacrifice and love, we damage our children.

Abortion is the ultimate act of selfishness and, in most cases, lack of personal responsibility for our actions. It is the sacrificing of human life for personal want and convenience.

No human being is created outside the will of God. Every child is created in the image of God, knit together in the mother’s womb.

That little life in my wife’s tummy was precious…even at four weeks. The child was just as valuable and had just as much potential as any child that is “born.” We wonder whom that child was; boy or girl? And what he or she would have looked like?  What would have made him or her laugh?

We lost a child to death. I implore you to think about the yet to be born child and not take a life and a future away from someone whom you have yet to meet. Value human life in all stages – unborn, born, young, old, boy, girl, mentally or physically handicapped; regardless of the stage, follow Christ’s commandment – “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”

Richard Hartian is a board member for Illinois Family Action, a husband and father of 4.  He is a business man and Christian blogger who blogs at Hartian.com.

You can also follow Richard on Twitter: @RichardHartian

Richard M. Hartian
Richard Hartian is a Christian husband, father of 4 and a board member for Illinois Family Institute.  He is a business man and Christian blogger who blogs at Hartian.com. You can also follow Richard on X: @RichardHartian...
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