By Richard M. Hartian
Do you make New Year’s resolutions? For me, it is a time of “new beginnings.” My wife and kids all know this about me; I analyze the past year, write or think out both the good and bad, and plan for the next 12 months. I try to be realistic in my assessments. I set goals and perhaps most important of all, I get a feeling of hopefulness.
By Richard M. Hartian
Roe v. Wade has officially been overturned as the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the Dobbs v. Jacskon case! Today life was chosen (Deuteronomy 30:19), and the joyful celebrations of “life” can begin. We celebrate because we know that many unborn babies are that much closer to enjoying the same protection that you and I enjoy on this side of the womb – as if location should have ever mattered.
By Richard M. Hartian
The world knows what Target ushered in on April 19th 2016 – from that politically motivated announcement that pronounced to all men everywhere – come use the bathroom with our daughters and wives millions of people made the decision...
By Richard M. Hartian
What does a miscarriage teach you? Well, a lot really. Much depends upon how you personally have chosen to view life - your world view. Family is deeply important to all of us, both those that believe in God and those that don’t.