Save a Preborn Life
Save a Preborn Life
Written By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   02.27.25
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Did you know that nearly 25% of all pregnancies in America end in abortion?

In addition to this, the National Catholic Register notes that of the 63 million babies murdered since the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, 26 million were members of Generation Z—my generation.

42% of my generation is not here today because of abortion.

This number astounds me, especially because as I write this, I am 23 weeks pregnant with my first child, a baby girl. My pregnancy has instilled in me a deeper passion for defending preborn life—a deeper sense of urgency.

This is why every Christian and every pro-life advocate needs to know about PreBorn.

Preborn’s mission is to “glorify Jesus Christ by leading and equipping pregnancy clinics to save more babies and souls.” Preborn recognizes that each and every baby is a gift from God, valuable and worthy of protection and life.

Statistics show that around 80% of women choose life after seeing their baby on an ultrasound, an opportunity Planned Parenthood (unsurprisingly) does not allow expecting moms.

There really is nothing like seeing your tiny baby, the size of a little bean, show up on the screen at your first ultrasound appointment. Then you hear and see the heartbeat for the first time, and you are just stunned at the beauty of this little life growing inside of you.

PreBorn understands the necessity of providing moms with ultrasounds they can see and interact with, which is why they provide ultrasound equipment to pregnancy clinics completely free of charge.

PreBorn’s 2023 impact included:

  • 59,243 babies saved,
  • 9,386 commitments made to Christ,
  • 72,012 abortion-minded women served,
  • 83 ultrasound machines placed,
  • 436 clinics trained in evangelism, and
  • 2,268 individuals trained in evangelism.

PreBorn is not only dedicated to saving preborn lives, they are also dedicated to the why behind saving lives—the gospel of Jesus Christ.

PreBorn understands that abortion is ultimately a spiritual problem, and through their evangelism efforts, they desire to see hearts and minds transformed through the power of the gospel.

If you are looking for a way to become involved in the pro-life movement, PreBorn is the perfect place to start.

Consider supporting PreBorn today.

Alyssa Sonnenburg
Alyssa Sonnenburg is a dedicated Christian, wife, mother and is a 2022 graduate of Moody Bible Institute. She is a frequent guest on WPEO’s “The Good Word” program, a co-host of the Self-Evident podcast and serves as an Executive Assistant at IFI. Growing up on the southside of Chicago, she and her husband now live in the northwest suburbs....
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