Protecting Child Sacrifice and Mandating Indoctrination
Protecting Child Sacrifice and Mandating Indoctrination
Written By David E. Smith   |   05.23.24
Reading Time: 4 minutes

We knew the last week of the scheduled session of the Illinois General Assembly would be rough for pro-family conservatives, and we are sorry to report that two terrible bills are now on their way to Governor JB Pritzker’s desk, where he is sure to sign them into law. Since Democrats have a supermajority in both chambers, both bills passed easily in the Illinois House and Senate with little to no opposition.

Child Sacrifice

Abortion cheerleaders continue pushing for ways to make Illinois the number one destination state for child sacrifice, taking the next step by passing HB 5239. A direct attack on parental rights, this legislation will facilitate interstate sex trafficking by prohibiting Illinois agencies from cooperating with other states’ agencies that seek to impose criminal or civil penalties on someone who brings a woman or girl here for an abortion.

Since the Parental Notice of Abortion Law was repealed, an adult male could bring an underage girl here for an abortion and no one would be the wiser. In conjunction with HB 5239, state lawmakers have provided thick cover to pimps and those who are guilty of statutory rape.

Moreover, this legislation allows a child of any age to apply for public aid and then use those tax dollars to pay to kill their preborn child — all without parental approval or knowledge.

In the wake of the ongoing sexual abuse crisis in government schools, they are now providing legal cover for would-be predators, groomers, and molesters.

During a short floor debate Thursday morning, State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) publicly admitted this proposal is straight out of Gov. JB Pritzker’s office. Let me remind you that Pritzker is the same guy who is funding — out of his billions — a national nonprofit group called “Think Big America,” which is focused on normalizing abortion and making the slaughter of pre-born babies legal in every state across the country.

The only opposition came from State Senator Jil Tracy (R-Quincy), who asked the sponsor if she was concerned “that we have no age requirement for the minor child and no parental supervision for this action?” In response, Villanueva reacted by saying:

It concerns me that young people don’t feel like they can trust their parents to help them acquire these services and these items that they might need in order to make healthy decisions with their bodies.

Do Illinois Democrats actually believe parents are their children’s enemies? Are they seriously suggesting children are to be trusted over their parents… so much so that the government must be empowered to “protect” the rights of minor girls to kill their children?

According to Villanueva, “bodily autonomy” trumps all other concerns.

The Illinois House passed this bill by a vote of 73 to 37 on April 18th, and the Illinois Senate passed this bill by a vote of 38 to 19 on May 23rd.

There is more to the 13-minute floor debate, so please watch the video segment from the Illinois Senate HERE.


State lawmakers also passed HB 4895, the so-called “Environmental Education Act,” mandating in public schools the teaching of an unproven and controversial understanding of man-made climate change.

Conservative voters should be furious that Springfield snollygosters have found yet another way to use government schools and taxpayer funds to indoctrinate impressionable young people into left-wing ideology. These “climate change” lessons in high schools statewide will be used to stoke fear in young minds about how man is destroying the planet. In response, these young, soon-to-be voters will work to elect woke candidates who promise to enact big government policies and thus “save the planet” from doom.

As the theory goes, greenhouse gases, produced by human activity, are the main culprit for global warming. Fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas supposedly account for over 75 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions and approximately 90 percent of all CO2 emissions. During the debate, State Senator Adriane Johnson (D-Waukegan) defended the bill saying

We know that human-caused climate change is a threat to our continued existence, on many species and to human society as we know it. This legislative measure seeks to further all students’ knowledge about the impacts of climate change on all aspects of society and furthers students’ understanding of potential solutions to the problems climate change poses.

Our youth are already engaged in climate change and they are eager to learn about ways that they can come up with real, meaningful solutions to address this concern.

Climate change activists claim human-generated CO2 emissions trap heat, causing global temperatures to rise. This “global warming” disrupts weather patterns, melts glaciers and ice sheets, and causes sea levels to rise — putting all creation at risk for extinction.

Yet there are plenty of experts who dissent from this widely accepted belief. In fact, there are those who claim that more CO2 is just what the earth needs to be healthy, green, and productive. Earlier this year, Dr. Patrick Moore, founder of Greenpeace, testified before a U.S. Senate Committee in Washington D.C. saying:

There is no scientific proof that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are the dominant cause of the minor warming of the Earth’s atmosphere over the past 100 years. If there were such a proof it would be written down for all to see. No actual proof, as it is understood in science, exists.

If there is no empirical evidence to support the claim that climate change is caused by human beings, why are we allowing politicians to further hijack classrooms for political purposes? Instead of a mandate to focus on reading, writing, science, and math, government schools in Illinois will now have to spend precious time teaching unproven theories that will benefit the political goals of Leftists.

We recommend watching this short video interview of Dr. Moore.

The Illinois House passed this bill by a vote of 70 to 37 on April 19th, and then in the Illinois Senate by a vote of 36 to 16 on May 23rd. Surprisingly, State Senators John Curran (R-Lemont) and Sue Rezin (R-Morris) – both Republican leaders – joined Democrats to pass this bill meant to brainwash students.

One only has to listen to this NPR news segment in which the personalities are hyperventilating about a hurricane forecast which they are, of course, compelled to tie to global warming. Mind you, it’s a forecast. How many times are those wrong? Yet they are intentionally trying to whip listeners into a frenzy over climate change so they will support big government policies. Unbelievably, this same unfounded hysteria is now headed to your local school.

David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography. He and his wife of 29 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in the Christian faith, and...
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