Cheri’s Story: The Value of Life
Cheri’s Story: The Value of Life
Written By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   09.10.24
Reading Time: < 1 minute

“Illinois has just done a lot to be friends with the abortion industry but not to protect the women. It just scares me the risk to the women that go to an abortion clinic and they don’t even know.”

Cheri Triplett is the executive director of the Rushville Pregnancy Resource Center in Rushville, Illinois, where she is not only dedicated to helping women choose life for their babies but also to pointing them to Jesus Christ.

Rushville PRC provides a plethora of resources designed to support women experiencing unexpected, stressful pregnancies.

Cheri can relate to the overwhelming feelings pregnancy can bring.

When she and her husband found out she was pregnant with their fourth baby, they struggled for support as they had three kids under the age of four and were facing financial difficulty.

“I remember just the shame of feeling like, ‘How can you be pregnant with another baby when your hands are full and you can barely care for what you have?’”

Because of her faith, Cheri chose life for her baby, and now she can’t imagine their family without their son.

To learn more about Cheri’s story and her work with RPRC, click here!

Alyssa Sonnenburg
Alyssa Sonnenburg is a dedicated Christian, wife, mother and is a 2022 graduate of Moody Bible Institute. She is a frequent guest on WPEO’s “The Good Word” program, a co-host of the Self-Evident podcast and serves as an Executive Assistant at IFI. Growing up on the southside of Chicago, she and her husband now live in the northwest suburbs....
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