Obama’s Claim on Islam
Obama’s Claim on Islam
Written By   |   02.03.15
Reading Time: 2 minutes

According to President Barack Obama, 99.9 percent of Muslims reject the terrorists’ understanding of Islam. That still leaves 1.3 million jihadis or jihad sympathizers, but never mind that for now — where is this 99.9 percent? Where are the Muslim organizations that are dedicated to working against the jihadists? Where are the Muslim marches and protests against al-Qaeda, the Islamic State, and all the hijackers of Islam? We have seen many protests lately by Muslims against the latest Muhammad cartoons in Charlie Hebdo. Where are the Muslim protests against the killing of the cartoonists and in support of the freedom of speech? Why is this 99.9% so silent and passive in the face of this “hijacking” of their religion?

“Obama says terrorists not motivated by true Islam,” by Dave BoyerThe Washington Times, February 1, 2015:

Criticized for avoiding the phrase “Islamic extremism,” President Obama said he doesn’t want to alienate the majority of peace-loving Muslims as the U.S. fights to defeat terrorist networks around the world.

“I think that for us to be successful in fighting this scourge, it’s very important for us to align ourselves with the 99.9 percent of Muslims who are looking for the same thing we’re looking for: order, peace, prosperity,” Mr. Obama said on CNN. “And so I don’t quibble with labels.”

The president also said he doesn’t want to “overinflate” the importance of terrorist groups by sending U.S. troops to occupy countries in the Middle East or by “playing whack-a-mole” against terrorist leaders because it drains America’s financial strength….

“I think we all recognize that this is a particular problem that has roots in Muslim communities, and that the Middle East and South Asia are sort of ground zero for us needing to win back hearts and minds, particularly when it comes to young people,” Mr. Obama said. “But I think we do ourselves a disservice in this fight if we are not taking into account the fact that the overwhelming majority of Muslims reject this ideology. I reject a notion that somehow that creates a religious war, because the overwhelming majority of Muslims reject that interpretation of Islam.”…

This article was originally posted at the JihadWatch.org website.

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