IFI News Release: Family Research Council Presents IFI’s Dave Smith with ‘Family, Faith and Freedom Award
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WASHINGTON, D.C. – – Family Research Council, a leading national pro-family think tank, today presentedDavid E. Smith, Senior Policy Analyst at the Illinois Family Institute, with its “Family, Faith and Freedom Award.” 

Smith was recognized for his persistence in campaigning against indecent broadcasts, particularly the 70 indecency complaints he filed over a period of four years with the Federal Communications Commission(FCC) against the sex- and vulgarity-laden morning radio program of Chicago shock-jock Erich “Mancow” Mueller

Smith’s determined efforts resulted in FCC fines totaling $300,000 against Emmis Corporation, owner of Mancow’s program. As part of its plea agreement with the FCC, Emmis pledged to clean up its stations.

“The goal of the Mancow project was to expose the prevalence of indecent broadcasts–and the inaction of the FCC,” Smith said. “To some extent we were successful: recent Mancow programs haven’t been nearly as sexually explicit as they were in the past, and the FCC showed it is starting to get serious about punishing gross indecency.”

IFI Executive Director Peter LaBarbera said that by taking on a powerful shock jock against very long odds, and then winning, Smith inspired millions of people across the United States who now know that they can stop indecent programming.

“We at IFI are so proud of Dave. He is a living proof of the idea that one person can make a difference,” LaBarbera said. “So many people complain about the garbage on the airwaves; Dave did something about it. I hope and pray more Americans follow his example.” 

“We are grateful to Family Research Council for recognizing Dave Smith, and for the tremendous work they do in Washington to protect families,” LaBarbera said.

The award reads as follows:

proudly presents this 

Family, Faith and Freedom Award

David Smith
Illinois Family Institute

March 18, 2005

A passionate heart for the well being of children and the quality of community life prompted David Smith to take on the tide of broadcast indecency in the Chicago area. Working at multiple jobs to support his young family and serve his neighbor, he nontheless found the time to wage a model campaign for the enforcement of the nation’s communications laws. In so doing, he not only affirmed the right of the American people to protect the airwaves in the public interest, but he also honed the duty of every citizen to raise a voice of conscience.

With enduring admiration for his courage and conviction, and with special appreciation for the bond we share though his participation in the Witherspoon Fellowship, Family Reseach Council is honored to present David Smith with the 
Family, Faith and Freedom Award.


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