We sincerely hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with your family, friends and neighbors. We have many reasons to take advantage of this annual opportunity to thank God Almighty for His many blessings. But our gratefulness certainly shouldn’t end (or begin) with the fourth Thursday in November!
Before making our #GivingTuesday appeal — as if you haven’t already received a flood of email requests — we want to ask you to pray for wisdom for the nine Justices of the U.S. Supreme Court as they prepare to hear a case about transgender affirming care for children.
U.S. v. Skrmetti is a case about whether Tennessee can prohibit medical treatment such as puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and sex reassignment surgeries for victims under the age of 18.
Concerned Women for America submitted an amicus brief in support of the law, stating in part:
Laws protecting children from novel, sterilizing gender transition drugs and surgeries are not constitutionally suspect. These laws do not discriminate based on sex, for they apply equally to males and females: no minor may be subjected to these interventions. That some of these drugs are used for other purposes in minors does not show discrimination based on sex, but differentiation based on treatment—which does not give rise to heightened scrutiny. Ignoring this difference in use violates this Court’s precedent requiring comparison of similarly situated classes. Here, boys or girls—and minors of any gender identity—could seek regulated transitioning interventions, so the statute does not classify based on sex or gender identity.
In this case, we strongly believe that the state of Tennessee is not only morally right but Constitutionally correct to enact a ban on radical transgender medical experiments for children, just as they are right to outlaw other forms of physical (or medical) abuse of minors.
Please pray that a majority of Justices understand how barbaric and sinister gender ideology is for our culture, and especially for our children. Pray that they will uphold this state law to protect children.
U.S. v. Skrmetti is a prime example of the war on families and the innocence of children – not to mention the war on truth. Science and medicine are being perverted in ways we could not have imagined just ten years ago. Christian values are under attack right now in America.
In Illinois, we have an uphill climb. But together, we can accomplish much and reach many hearts and minds in the process!
Let’s be clear: our concern isn’t centrally about politics. Like you, we care about the issues:
>>>Sanctity of Life: the estimated 100,000 abortions that take place annually in Illinois is both outrageous and heartbreaking. As if this bloodlust isn’t enough, members of the Illinois General Assembly are now seriously considering the legalization of Physician-Assisted Suicide.
>>>Christian Education: It is bad enough that children in government schools are failing to meet proficiency standards in English Language Arts, Math and Science, but now the focus of school time is on social engineering, humanistic training, sexual immorality, revisionist history and other godless subject matters. Christian parents, grandparents, and church leaders must search out other educational options in order to instill in them biblical truth and a Christian worldview.
>>>Religious Intolerance/Christian Bigotry: the ongoing battle to ensure Christians are free to live by their conscience and share their faith.
>>>Identity Politics and Sexual Anarchy: Leftists have gone too far. For example, no clear-thinking person believes there are 70 genders or that biological men should participate in women’s sports. This, however, has created an opportunity for those of us defending marriage and family to take back ground in the culture.
>>>Big government vs. working families: the increase in taxes lawmakers think will fix their reckless and irresponsible spending is never the answer.
Today, we invite you to take part in this effort by supporting the Illinois Family Institute, which works diligently to defend traditional values and politically incorrect truth. It is a wonderful opportunity to help protect children, families, and religious freedom.
Would you please prayerfully consider giving #4Families on #GivingTuesday.
Maybe it $25, maybe its $50, maybe it’s $100 or even more. Whatever the amount, we are thankful for your support and encouragement.
Click here to make a donation
IFI is doing more than ever to transform Illinois from an anti-family culture into a culture where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive and the sanctity of human life is cherished. Without your partnership in this mission, we couldn’t get the job done.
Thank you for standing with us!