A Night to Remember!
A Night to Remember!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Family, Faith and Freedom Banquet a Smashing Success!

During my life, I have learned God answers prayers in a number of ways. He can either say yes, no, not now or not your way. The Lord answered my prayers and those of many others regarding IFI’s Fall Banquet. The event was an overwhelming success and I give praise to the Lord and thanks to those who supported IFI by attending the fundraiser featuring Governor Mike Huckabee last Tuesday in Rosemont, Illinois.

Well over 800 good folks attended the dinner, including faithful supporters, pastors, priests and elected officials and candidates seeking various elected offices.

The event began with a welcome from Cisco Cotto, co-host of the John & Cisco Show on WIND (560 AM). The national anthem was sung by Debbie K and the Freedom Band, and an invocation was given by Dr. Rob Rienow from Wheaton Bible Church. While dinner was being served, the crowd viewed a special “For Such a Time as This” video.

Then, Mike Huckabee wowed the crowd! Huckabee’s speech reminded those attending why we are so blessed to live in the United States of America and that it only takes a little ‘light’ to expel the darkness. Huckabee then treated IFI guests when he joined Debbie K and the Freedom Band in the playing of the Battle Hymn of the America.

Relevant Radio’s Fr. Francis Hoffman, also known as “Fr. Rocky,” closed the evening with a prayer and a special blessing for Gov. Huckabee.

It would be impossible to thank everyone who contributed to a very memorable evening, but I must give a great big Thank You to the dozens of great volunteers who made the IFI Family, Faith and Freedom Banquet a huge success. Thanks to IFI’s Board members who have given me the opportunity to lead such a wonderful organization. Thanks to IFI staffers who, though at times overwhelmed, did an outstanding job.

This banquet provided us with a fantastic platform to raise awareness of our work and ministry while at the same time raising much needed operating funds. This would not have been possible without the generosity of those who believe the Illinois Family Institute’s mission is worthwhile.

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