U.S. Senate to Vote on Confirmation of Activist Judge
U.S. Senate to Vote on Confirmation of Activist Judge
Written By David E. Smith   |   11.16.09
Reading Time: 2 minutes

This week, the U.S. Senate is expected to vote on the nomination of Judge David Hamilton to the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. The Seventh Circuit Court is based at the Dirksen Federal Building in Chicago. It is one of thirteen United States courts of appeals, composed of eleven judges. Once appointed as a federal judge, they hold their seats until they resign, die, or are removed from office.

Hamilton, a former ACLU board member, has issued rulings that allow prayer in state legislatures to Allah but not Jesus and protected sex offenders from giving updated information including email addresses and online logins to authorities. He even inappropriately obstructed a law requiring informed consent regarding abortion in Indiana for years until overturned and rebuked. These actions and rulings were all reversed by the Seventh Circuit Court.

Illinois’ U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Roland Burris must hear from us. While our two liberal Senators will probably confirm all of President Barack Obama’s judicial nominees, including Hamilton, please take a moment to ask them to stand for truth and vote against ACLU activist Judge David Hamilton.

Sen. Durbin
(202) 224-2152 – Washington D.C.
(312) 353-4952 – Chicago
(217) 492-4062 – Springfield
(618) 998-8812 – Marion

Sen. Burris
(202) 224-2854 – Washington D.C.
(312) 886-3506 – Chicago
(217) 492-5089 – Springfield
(618) 529-7471 – Carbondale

The Disturbing Record of Judge David Hamilton, Barack Obama’s nominee:

  • Hamilton Ruled it’s Illegal to Pray in Jesus’ Name, But perfectly OK to Pray in Allah’s Name in Indiana State Legislature – a decision which was later OVERTURNED by the same Appeals Court to which Obama is now nominating Hamilton.
  • Hamilton Ruled to Hasten the Abortion of Unborn Children. That Ruling Too was OVERTURNED
  • Now Obama Wants to Reward Hamilton by Promoting Him to the SAME COURT That Overruled Him!
  • Hamilton: REBUKED by 7th Circuit Court for Repeatedly “Abusing His Discretion”
  • Hamilton Rated “Not Qualified” by American Bar Association when first nominated
  • Hamilton is a former FUNDRAISER for ACORN
  • In 1994, the 7th Circuit rebuked Judge Hamilton for denying a Rabbi the right to display a Menorah as part of an Indianapolis holiday display.
  • He also is one of the most lenient judges in America when it comes to crime and criminals.
  • In United States v. Rinehart, 2007 U.S. LEXIS 19498 (S.D. Ind. Feb 2, 2007), Judge Hamilton used his opinion to request clemency for a police officer who pled guilty to two counts of child pornography. The 32 year old officer had engaged in “consensual” sex with two teenagers and videotaped his activities.
  • In United States v. Woolsey, 535 F.3d 540 (7th Cir. 2008), the Seventh Circuit faulted Judge Hamilton for disregarding an earlier conviction in order to avoid imposing a life sentence on a repeat offender.
David  E. Smith
Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4). David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes...
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