Planned Parenthood Funding and Forcing Health-Care Buy-ins
Planned Parenthood Funding and Forcing Health-Care Buy-ins
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This week, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report showing that over the past eight years, nearly $1 billion has been given to “family planning organizations” (read abortion providers).

Planned Parenthood Federation of America received $657.1 million in taxpayer dollars from Fiscal Year 2002 to Fiscal Year 2009. While Planned Parenthood says that none of the money it received has been used for abortion, the money still encourages abortion providers to continue their work killing the unborn. So far, over 30 Republican lawmakers are working to shut down this outrageous spending of taxpayer money to abortion providers. We’ll keep you updated on this issue.

Also this week, the U.S. House of Representatives voted on a special attempt to strike the individual mandate (forced buy-in) from the healthcare “reform” legislation. The attempt to repeal this onerous part of Obama’s new “Health-Care” policy failed 230-187 on Tuesday afternoon.

Republicans had often protested the measure within the healthcare bill, arguing that it would drive up costs for consumers and that it was possibly unconstitutional.

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