Strangers at Thanksgiving
Strangers at Thanksgiving
Written By Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer   |   11.22.23
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Perhaps like me, you’ve wondered… “What would the Pilgrims think of our modern day celebration of Thanksgiving?”

Or, maybe that’s never crossed your mind.

Maybe your Turkey Day “to do” list has priority.

First, the Pilgrims, who referred to themselves as the “Saints,” would have been very sad to learn that the New York Times was fairly clueless on the real events of life in the early 1600s. The paper tried to “help us” get educated with their 1619 Project, which came out a few years ago.

The Times version wants American history rewritten with our new awareness of “anti-black racism” that purportedly exists “in the very DNA of this country.” Like when those Pilgrims sailed aboard the Mayflower to reach the New World.

Pilgrim scholars Richard Land and Michael Haykin have a different view. They assert that those early settlers who arrived at Plymouth were neither irreligious nor enslavers. Richard Land states that Pilgrim principles were

“the ground out of which the Declaration of Independence grew.”

He adds that the first Pilgrim colony’s governing document, the Mayflower Compact, is “the American Magna Carta.” 

It took those early seafarers 11 weeks to voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Some 102 Mayflower passengers made it—reaching Cape Cod, Massachusetts, on November 21, 1620. About 40 of them were known as Separatists–Christians who had separated from the Church of England. They found the idea of a state-run church to be toxic. They fled seeking religious freedom and a better moral climate than they had witnessed in their time with the Dutch.

The remaining Mayflower passengers were known as “Strangers.” Their focus was more economic. Unlike the Separatists, faith in Christ was not their centerpiece for coming to the New World. It can be well assumed that writers for the New York Times would mostly be “Strangers.” Their columns often suggest this.

When the Pilgrims celebrated that first Thanksgiving, they had plenty of good reasons. It should be noted that while our focus is often on the food, that first gathering in 1621 was dedicated more to prayer. Days of it—not minutes. Along with their survival, they were grateful for the colony’s first successful harvest.

If time travel were possible, we could bring them into the American version of Thanksgiving in 2023. Certainly they would be praying for our safekeeping amidst the variety of our modern woes.

And for God’s Divine Intervention. The Pilgrims were big on that.

But wait until they hear about OUR traditions based on the holiday. Like including Green Wednesday known as a “High Holiday”—since it’s all about cannabis sales. Cannabis sales on Green Wednesday are 40% higher than any other Wednesday in November.

As to why we would need that “Green holiday,”  one chap suggested it was to pay homage to the “stress-reducing, sleep-enhancing, appetite-stimulating benefits” of weed and “the perfect opportunity to prepare for food fights with in-laws, all-day baking affairs, and defeating the indomitable itis.” I see both the Pilgrims and the Saints shaking their heads in disbelief.

But wait until the men and women from the 1600s find out that the day AFTER Thanksgiving is dedicated to a buying frenzy known as “Black Friday.”

We might explain that this was supposed to be exuberant gift-buying activity for others. Nah. It’s for OURSELVES. More Pilgrim head shaking.

Then we’d have to explain Cyber Monday and Giving Tuesday. And Get Your Sanity Back Thursday. And Dread-the-Post-Office-Visit Saturday. (Okay, I made that last one up.) My…how we love our special Thanksgiving days! By now, many of the Pilgrims have suffered cardiac arrest and are no longer with us. Oops.

Instead of “Where are You, Christmas?”, maybe Faith Hill could challenge us next year with “Where are You, Thanksgiving?” Something went very wrong as we became “progressive.”

It usually does.

Those of us who claim to follow Christ have often gone right along with all of this. Well, except maybe the weed thing. Maybe.

Jesus’ words to us might well be the same as what He revealed to His friend John about the church in Ephesus,

“But I have this complaint against you. You don’t love Me or each other as you did at first!” Revelation 2:4 (NLT)

I think God might well be calling us to again be Pilgrim Saints—true pilgrims in Divine faith.

Happy Thanksgiving. 

Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer
Mark Elfstrand is a Christian husband, father and grandfather. A 40-year radio veteran, Mark has been a drive time air personality in Sacramento, Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Chicago, including WMBI and WYLL. He has also served in various ministry leadership positions. His current endeavors can be found at
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