TINLEY PARK, IL, UNITED STATES, August 26, 2023– Illinois Family Institute announces that it has been awarded a promo code to assist in raising funds for America’s Chaplain, Stephen Lee’s legal defense. This Illinois minister with a historic career in law enforcement and ministry has found himself wrapped up in the latest round of indictments coming out of Georgia, relating to former President Trump.
An entrepreneurial honey company will be donating a significant portion of the proceeds from their honey sales to support Chaplain Lee’s defense. They have 11,000 hives, 100 percent pure honey and one unique bottle.
You may like or dislike the bottle design, but it’s filled with healthy, pure, raw honey and we hope the uniqueness of the packaging will generate awareness, prayers, and donations for Chaplain Lee, who time and time again, has put himself at risk of great physical, emotional and spiritual harm, in order to bring the love of God to victims and first responders at events like Ground Zero, Columbine, Hurricane Katrina, Mandalay Bay and tragic sites around the world.
Those wanting to support Chaplain Lee can get the honey in its unique bottle by going to MakeHoneyGreatAgain.com and using the promo code “Chaplain.” A large amount of the proceeds are generously being donated to the Legal Defense Fund set up by Illinois Family Institute to help Chaplain Lee.
People may also donate directly to the fund by going to IllinoisFamily.org/Contribute and designating their donation to the Pastor Lee Legal Defense Fund or by sending a check payable to Illinois Family Institute at P.O. Box 876, Tinley Park, IL 60477, with “Chaplain Lee” in the memo.
Purchases of the honey are not tax-deductible, however, donations to Illinois Family Institute are.
“Chaplain Lee was there for America during some of her darkest times and we want to be there for him now,” said David E. Smith, Director of Illinois Family Institute.