I recently had a speaking tour through three South American countries.
As I talked with many Christians in these nations, I heard a lot of discouragement. They feel they simply don’t have the influence they need to see positive change occur.
In some of the countries, Marxism has taken root and has a stranglehold on politics and economics.
Many Protestant Christians I talked to there are hoping to start Christian schools and desire to legalize homeschooling. This seems daunting as Protestants make up only 10-20 percent of the population.
While the United States has far more balance politicly, I know many here who also feel overwhelmed by the hostile takeover of the secular left.
Conservatives have lost many institutions of higher learning and seem shut out of the news media and other spheres of cultural influence. I can relate to those who are frustrated by a seeming lack of ability to right our ship.
All is not lost. We just need to keep a proper perspective.
Change Can Happen Quickly
To encourage my South American friends, I pointed out two important considerations.
The first was how quickly radical Marxism saturated their nations. I know that doesn’t sound encouraging, but if one small but motivated group can be that successful, so can another. If a pendulum can swing in one direction, it can swing back.
So, rather than being discouraged by major and rapid advancements by Progressives or other left-leaning movements, we should seek to learn from them.
The second encouragement was a positive example from recent history in the United States. I shared with them a brief history of a movement of which I have been a part from the beginning; the modern homeschooling movement. That movement began in 1983 and there were only about 10,000-15,000 students who were homeschooled in the 1970s.
Fast-forward a mere forty years and there are (in 2021-2022) 3.135 million students being homeschooling in the U.S.
That’s an incredible explosion of cultural change!
How Do Cultures Shift?
There are several components necessary to move an entire nation. While this article will not attempt to provide a comprehensive list, here are a few of the primary ingredients necessary to move the culture.
Have Conviction
No revolution has ever occurred through complacency.
If you read the founding documents of America’s independence, you will clearly see the founding fathers had an absolute philosophical commitment to freedom from tyranny. Consider Patrick Henry’s famous line:
“Give me liberty or give me death!”
It’s amazing what can be accomplished when people determine the status quo is no longer an option.
Adopt a Long-Range View
One of the fastest ways to complete a task is to begin with the end goal clearly in sight.
What needs to be accomplished? Most Reformers realized they wouldn’t see all the necessary reforms take place in their lifetime. They knew they needed to be patient and be content with small gains, at least in the beginning. Movements are subject to the laws of motion and physics.
“Objects at rest tend to stay at rest, and objects in motion tend to stay in motion.”
It usually takes a lot of force to propel an object. Be content with small beginnings.
Cast a Vision to Others
Once you see the need for change, share your views with others around you.
Not everyone will rally around your views and that is okay. You don’t need everyone, but you do need to find people who feel the way you do.
Today, social media, blogging and podcasting are all great means to get your message out to a lot of people. People are searching for leaders. If you are speaking a message that resonates with them, they will rally behind you.
Network with Other Like-Minded People
No movement has been accomplished by just one person.
Often, there are already others who are in motion moving in the same direction we are. Don’t think you need to accomplish the work yourself. As the adage goes,
“Many hands make light work.”
One of the conferences in South America was a collaboration between at least three different organizations, with many leaders from other groups participating. It’s always great to see teamwork and people putting aside their personal egos to accomplish a common goal.
Maintain Perseverance
It is often said,
“Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
Avoid the temptation to become weary when things don’t happen as you hoped. Remember the work of great heroes like William Wilberforce who labored his entire lifetime to end the slave trade in England. His efforts were only rewarded at the very end of his life. The Bible says,
“And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not,” (Gal. 6:9).
It also says,
“The race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong” (Ecc. 9:11).
The battle is won by those who have a long obedience in the same direction.
Now is not the time to be in despair about America. Our hope is not ultimately in our politicians or even in our great ideas or methods. We need to entrust ourselves, as our founding fathers did, to Almighty God and trust in His great providence.
God still rules over nations and when we are on His side, we can have confidence.
“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Rom. 8:31).