The Homeschool Act, also known as HB 2827, passed out of the House Education Policy Committee with a vote of 8-4 on March 18th. All Democrats voted for it and all Republicans voted against it.
If enacted, this bill would require homeschooling families to submit a Homeschool Declaration Form to their local school district annually. This form would include basic and personal information of the family members.
The bill says,
“[the state] has the power to see if a Homeschool Declaration form…has been submitted…and any other investigations as needed.”
Failure to comply with regulations would classify the child as truant and subject to penalties, which include fines, jail time, and even possible DCFS investigations.
Dave Smith, a Christian husband, father to eight children, and executive director of Illinois Family Institute, appeared on Fox News Channel’s Sandra Smith along with State Representative Chris Miller (R-Oakland) to decry the passing of HB 2827 and urge families in Illinois to continue to fight for their freedom.
“They have no authority, they have no right to come into my home and tell me and my wife how we should raise our children.”
Dave goes on to explain the obviously dangerous irony. Homeschoolers, who by every metric are academically superior to their public school peers while they are taught Christian values, are now targeted to be regulated by the far left which openly admits that 70% of public school students can’t read, write, or do math at grade level.
They have also failed to protect public school kids from sexual abuse and refuse to protect our daughters from confused males in their private spaces and in their sports.
To watch the interview in its entirety, click here, or watch below.

Take ACTION: We urge Illinoisans to first pray that lawmakers will understand the importance of protecting parental rights and homeschool freedoms in Illinois.
Secondly, please focus on making phone calls to your own State Representative and then another call to House Speaker Chris Welch’s office to let him know how unpopular HB 2827 is with Illinois families: (217) 782-5350.
Click HERE to look up your elected officials.
Finally, please pray some more! Pray for God’s help in defeating this bill.