D211 Transgender Debate Reveals a Crisis of More Than One Kind of Leadership
D211 Transgender Debate Reveals a Crisis of More Than One Kind of Leadership
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Written by Teri Paulson

Well, it’s official: Our girls are now getting undressed in the presence of a boy (with complete male genitalia) in the girls’ locker room at William Fremd High School in Palatine, Illinois. The overwhelming majority of over four hundred community members who showed up for two nights in December to beg the school board to tell “transgender” activists NO were powerless against whatever it was that compelled D211 Superintendent Daniel Cates and  five out of seven members of our school board to enact “transgender” morality into policy. Here’s what I know: The school board’s decision had nothing to do with truth, righteousness, reason, or logic. Male genitalia and XY chromosomes are simply irrelevant details to these facilitators of our brave new world.

The problem was not a lack of good arguments. Between the two meetings, there were at least four hours of public comment. The overwhelming majority of the community respectfully and passionately articulated compelling arguments demonstrating reason, logic, and good old common sense. It has become abundantly clear that the five out of seven members of the school board who voted for this disgraceful decision would have betrayed the community regardless of the arguments. Theirs was a spiritual decision rooted in the rejection of God himself. They are enacting rules that disregard the Ruler. Because this is a spiritual problem, it needs to be addressed spiritually.

Where have all the shepherds gone?

According to the yellow pages and depending on how you define a church, there are thirty churches in Palatine alone, not to mention Schaumburg and Hoffman Estates. On both nights when we were debating whether or not it is a good idea to force teenage girls to undress in the presence of a boy, our spiritual leaders (with a couple of notable exceptions) were missing in action. If this is not a spiritual battle I don’t know what is. If our pastors and elders, whose supposed mission in life is to help us understand God and encourage us to obey him, didn’t show up as witnesses for his will at these meetings, what would they show up for?

Jesus spoke these words when he was here on earth. Draw your own conclusions as to their possible application:

I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. (John 10:11-13)

Where have all the shepherds gone?

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