This is the last week of session. Legislators are scheduled to adjourn on Friday, May 24th.
Two new bills are listed below. The others listed are still active. Please take the appropriate action if you have not yet done so. Thank you in advance!
Bills to Oppose
NEW BILL SB 2978 has just come to our attention thanks to the Illinois Conservative Union. As it is written, this bill will likely be used to allow non-citizens to vote in our elections.
It prohibits the Secretary of State from providing photographs obtained from issuing a driver’s license, from providing a social security number, or from cooperating with any local, state, or federal law enforcement agencies including immigration agents “for the purpose of enforcing federal immigration laws…”
“… citizenship or immigration status and country of citizenship shall be confidential and shall not be disclosed except to the following persons: the individual to whom the … driver’s license … was issued …; officers and employees of the Secretary of State … law enforcement officials for a civil or criminal law enforcement investigation, except as restricted by this Chapter…” which includes prohibiting disclosure of immigration status. IFI OPPOSES
The bill will be heard in the House Executive Committee today, May 20th, at 2 PM. Sorry there’s such a short window of opportunity to file a witness slip against both the bill and House Committee Amendment 1.
Click HERE to file a witness slip to OPPOSE House Committee Amendment 1 to SB 2978.
Click HERE to file a witness slip to OPPOSE SB 2978.
Click HERE to email your state representative to oppose both SB 2978 and House Committee Amendment 1 to SB 2978.
NEW BILL HB 5142 has also just come to our attention. It already passed the House. It was recently amended to mandate 100% insurance coverage for abortions. IFI OPPOSES
The bill will be heard in the Senate Insurance Committee on Tuesday, May 21st at 4:30 PM.
Click HERE to file a witness slip to OPPOSE HB 5142.
Click HERE to email your state senator to OPPOSE HB 5142.
HB 4895 mandates teaching students about climate change. The bill has been amended to change the title from “Climate Change Education Act” to “Environmental Education Act.” Can you tell it’s an election year? IFI OPPOSES
Please click HERE to email your state senator to OPPOSE HB 4895.
HB 5239 will actually facilitate interstate sex trafficking because it prohibits Illinois agencies from cooperating with another state’s agencies that are seeking to impose criminal or civil penalties on a person that brings a woman or girl here for an abortion. Because the Parental Notice of Abortion Law was repealed, an adult male could bring a young under-age female here for an abortion if this bill passes and no one will be the wiser. IFI OPPOSES
Please click HERE to email your state senator to OPPOSE HB 5239.
HB 5507 allows Illinoisans to go to a court to get a “finding of fact” in order to have documentation to be able to alter their birth certificate from a different state or country. IFI OPPOSES
Please click HERE to email your state senator to OPPOSE HB 5507.
SB 2644 allows for the Secretary of State to establish a statewide registry, to be known as the Advance Directive Registry, through which residents can deposit a completed Uniform POLST form that will be shared with hospitals. IFI strongly believes that end of life directives should be kept by the family or the power of attorney designee, not put in a statewide registry. IFI OPPOSES
Please click HERE to email your state representative to OPPOSE SB 2644.
A Bill To Support
HB 5184 requires any school bullying policy must be age and developmentally appropriate. IFI SUPPORTS
Please click HERE to email your state senator to support HB 5184.