Articles by David E. Smith
The Problems with Assisted Suicide
By David E. Smith   |   11.08.18
In an excerpt from a panel discussion, Ryan T. Anderson, PhD., author and the William E. Simon Senior Research Fellow in American Principles & Public Policy at The Heritage Foundation, discusses four arguments against physician-assisted suicide. A strong pro-life stance must encompass not only the value of life in the womb, but also the value of life at every point from birth to God-appointed death.
Two Things We Need To Do This Election Season
By David E. Smith   |   10.30.18
If you haven’t heard the mid-term elections are coming up, you’ve obviously been living under a rock–a giant rock.  Between the constant political calls, mailings, TV and radio ads, and social media headlines, most of us are very aware of...
Biblical and Free, or Secular and Statist?
By David E. Smith   |   10.26.18
Far too many Christians distance themselves altogether from the political process or choose to cast a ballot only during a presidential election cycle. But it is imperative that followers of the Lord Jesus Christ exercise their God-given right to vote in every election. If we don’t take time to research the candidates and then go to the polls, we effectively concede the outcome of the election to those who don’t reverence God or uphold His principles.
Take Up The Cross of Self-Denial
By David E. Smith   |   10.20.18
How is it possible – in fact, necessary – for the sinless, perfect, and holy Son of God to deny Himself? John 10:30 clearly states: I and My Father are one. Yet, in Philippians, the Apostle Paul tells us that Jesus, being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be used for His own advantage.
The Tale of Two Accusations
By David E. Smith   |   10.04.18
Recently, accusations of sexual assault against U.S. Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh have dominated the news. Judge Kavanaugh adamantly declares his innocence, while his accuser proclaims his guilt. Some say the accusation is false, while others believe the accuser....
Early Voting Begins
By David E. Smith   |   09.28.18
While the November 6th General Election is less than 6 weeks away, early voting has already begun. As in every election cycle, this election is critical for Illinois as well as for the nation, and it is crucial that your...
Ask President Trump to Veto Pro-Abortion Spending Bill
By David E. Smith   |   09.27.18
We are very sad to report that the U.S. House of Representatives voted last night, by a vote of 361 to 61 (with 6 not voting) to pass a spending bill that includes taxpayer-funding for Planned Parenthood, which is still...
Reserve Your Banquet Seat Today!
By David E. Smith   |   09.22.18
Illinois Family Institute is excited to be welcoming George Barna to our fall banquet to share his faith, research, political insights and projections for our nation's future. For more than three decades now, Mr. Barna has conducted national surveys to gauge the sentiment and activity of politically conservative, spiritual active Christians in America. He has also been a pollster in three presidential campaigns.
An Appeal to Attorney General Lisa Madigan
By David E. Smith   |   09.20.18
In the wake of the shocking Pennsylvania Grand Jury report which revealed that 301 priests sexually abused more than a thousand children, Attorney General Lisa Madigan announced that her office would investigate Catholic dioceses in Illinois in pursuit of “a...
Aurora Prayer Warriors Need Your Help
By David E. Smith   |   09.01.18
Four hundred – that’s the approximate number of human lives ended by abortion each month at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Aurora. If the local animal shelter euthanized 200 dogs and cats each month, that would be sad. The fact...
No More Tax Dollars for the Planned Parenthood Chop Shop
By David E. Smith   |   08.22.18
Earlier this year, the U.S. House of Representatives supported the $1.3 trillion dollar “omnibus” budget bill which included hundreds of millions of dollars for Planned Parenthood. Yes, federal lawmakers continue to fund what Daniel John Sobieski described in an op/ed...
Fall Banquet Early Bird Special Expires Soon!
By David E. Smith   |   08.18.18
Illinois Family Institute is proud to be welcoming George Barna as our keynote speaker at our fall banquet to share his faith, political insights and his most recent polling work regarding faith-based statistics, leadership and upcoming elections in the United...
Does Gender Really Matter?
By David E. Smith   |   08.13.18
In a 20/20 interview with Diane Sawyer in April 2015, Bruce Jenner announced he is a “transgender woman,” saying that he had dealt with gender dysphoria since his youth and that, "for all intents and purposes, I'm a woman." In the summer of 2017, Pastor Paul Williams, who led the conservative church-planting organization Orchard Group for 20 years, announced he is a “transgender woman.”
Radical Islam to Agnosticism to Disciple of Christ
By David E. Smith   |   08.09.18
How did you come to faith in Jesus? For most of us, a parent, grandparent, Sunday school teacher, or other influential person in our life shared the Gospel with us, answered our questions, encouraged and prayed over us, leading us...
Insult and Injury: The Problem of Pot and Pesticides
By David E. Smith   |   08.03.18
Bifenazate, Trifloxystrobin, Abamectin, Bifenthrin. Do these names sound like healthy ingredients or chemicals you would feel comfortable ingesting in foods or beverages? These are pesticides that have been discovered in laboratory-tested samples of “medical” marijuana and marijuana products that were...
David E. Smith
Executive Director
David  E. Smith

Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4).

David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography.

He and his wife of 29 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in the Christian faith, and impress a love of God on their hearts. There is a plethora of research that suggest that parents are the primary influencers in a child’s life. In an ideal world, that’s a mom and dad. Discipleship includes not only studying God’s Word but living a life of faith and walking in obedience to God. Discipleship is also necessary for sound doctrine, love of God and others. We do this in hopes of raising healthy and productive members of society who live to honor God and love their neighbors.

Dave has also served as a precinct committeeman and served as an ordained minister/elder in his local church.

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