The Exterminators’ Enemy Number One
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   08.20.22
What would it be like to be considered “Public Enemy Number One”? The term, first used in connection with Chicago’s notorious Al Capone, is a label most of us would prefer to avoid. However, when the organization slapping on this...
Living Books – The Essential Ingredient
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   08.08.22
The mind is capable of dealing with only one kind of food; it lives, grows and is nourished upon ideas and THAT is where we, the educators, can be of most use as we provide a rich cultural, natural and spiritual environment to be the brain food of our children or grandchildren... Literature is a unique form of culture in the homeschool.
A Win for Religious Exemptions
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   08.02.22
In a win for religious freedom, Liberty Counsel just settled a $10.3 million class-action lawsuit on behalf of 500 current and former healthcare workers who were denied religious exemptions regarding the COVID shot mandate. Of the 500 workers involved in the suit, half had quit or were let go and the rest took the shot. North Shore University Health will pay $10,337,500 in compensation to these health care employees who were punished for their religious belief that it is wrong to receive an injection associated with aborted fetal cells. 
The Art of Nourishing a Child’s Mind (Part 2)
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   07.09.22
In Part I, it was established that as Christians, our starting point for an educational system or approach must be rooted in our Christian worldview. Charlotte Mason’s philosophy of education, securely rooted in such, is built upon the foundation of  “children are born persons.’ This individual personhood of each *child means we approach the child first and foremost from a place of respect for who he is–who God has created him as his own person to be.
For Our Children’s Sake (Part I)
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   06.27.22
As parents, we desire to give our children the best education possible. In today’s culture, it’s becoming more and more difficult to achieve any kind of education through the government schools with their anti-God agenda. Private schooling, while an option for some, is not an option for many. And while it is important to not “get on our high horse” about homeschooling being the only “Christian” option, we do want to celebrate that homeschooling is a very real, desirable, and viable option! Once a family decides to enter the homeschooling arena, however, the choices regarding the method of how to homeschool can be daunting!
The Path to Medical Freedom
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   06.03.22
“Information is power” and the Medical Freedom vs. Medical Tyranny Forum hosted by Illinois Family Institute was clearly an evening of empowerment! Attended by an estimated 500 people–young and old alike–the audience, rapt with attention, benefitted from the insights of Dr. Mark Zumhagen, MD and Dr. Simone Gold, MD,FD, founder of America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS).
Seeing Red at The Gas Pump
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   06.02.22
According to Americans for Prosperity’s (AFP) Public Opinion Strategies, a whopping  75 percent of Americans reported that the increase in costs has impacted their spending over the past year. Of that 75 percent, more than 60percent surveyed blame President Joe Biden and his leftwing policies for the inflation.  Americans are being pinched, and it is high time to speak out.
Be Bold and Courageous
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   05.16.22
With the U.S. Supreme Court announcing it will be issuing opinions starting this week, we may have a final decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health – the case that should overturn Roe v. Wade. Should this occur, and after nearly 50 years of bloodshed of the innocent and unborn, rejoicing will abound!
The Higher Law of Nuremberg on Roe
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   05.06.22
It is an unfortunate fact that very few Americans today are familiar with the principles of common law. If they are familiar with it at all, many assume it to be something akin to the fact that if you live together unmarried for 7 years, you are considered to be legally married. In other words, the idea of law that is unwritten yet practiced.  In truth, there is much more to it than that.  Central to common law is the idea that law can be discovered but not made. This is grounded in the principle of “higher law – the concept that there is a law higher than any government’s law.
Standing Grounded in the Worst of Times
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   04.18.22
Parents, grandparents and church leaders and anyone looking for wisdom, hope and fellowship, take note: The Illinois Christian Home Educators (ICHE) Family Conference is coming up fast! This year’s theme, "Stand Grounded in Christ," promises to challenge and equip attendees with Biblical truths to direct the children and young people entrusted to their care “in the way they should go.” This annual homeschool conference will be held at Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais between May 19th to the 22nd.
Alarming and Disarming
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   03.31.22
The Biden Administration’s efforts to trample our Second Amendment rights fall into two categories: overt and covert. In the more overt category is the game of “changing semantics”- the evolution of word usage usually to the point that the modern...
Up, Up, and Away (Without) Masks
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   03.24.22
Anyone tired of “masking up” to enter an airport or get on a flight? There may be an end in sight largely thanks to U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY).  Although the air travel mask mandate was set to end on March 18, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) extended the mandate until April 18. But the extension begs the question, “Will it really end then?” Now Paul and others have taken real action to end the mandates once and for all.
A Thousand Words
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   03.15.22
The truth of the adage “a picture is worth a thousand words” is one we have all experienced firsthand. While we may chat with a friend about the stunning sunset we witnessed last night or warmly remark on the smirk our child or grandchild makes which melts our heart, we are often left feeling like we aren’t quite communicating the impact of the experience. However, when we fumble for our phone, search for our photos app, and pull up the picture of the sunset or smirk, we often find, as we knowingly display the photo for our friend to see, that they are able to respond with a heartfelt “ah!” The picture, able to do what our attempt with words failed to do, speaks volumes.
Quashing States’ Rights Gets Quashed!
By Lynn Bowman Tabb   |   03.03.22
Have you heard? Abortion cheerleaders were at it again! Earlier this week they attempted to overturn state legislative abortion restrictions. Their weapon? The so-called "Women’s Health Protection Act" (H.R. 3755) - led by U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and U.S. Representative Judy Chu (D-CA). The proposal passed the U.S. House by a vote of 218-211 on September 24, 2021. It was taken up by the U.S. Senate on Monday, February 28, 2022 where cloture was opposed by all Republicans and one Democrat: U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV). The motion failed by a vote of 46-48.
Lynn Bowman Tabb

Lynn Tabb came to saving faith in Christ at the age of 12 which has provided her decades of a life directed by His Word. This direction led her to choose a godly husband (Ed Tabb); together they have raised six children, homeschooled for the past 30 years, and will graduate their youngest from homeschool high school this spring. Ed and Lynn have 3 married children and 4 grandchildren.

For the past 15 years, Lynn has taught high school English and Government courses through local homeschool co-ops. During this adventure, it has been her desire to equip, in particular, homeschoolers to be effective communicators for a variety of reasons: to protect the reputation of homeschoolers, to give homeschool high school graduates the necessary skills to succeed in whatever direction the Lord takes them, and to equip young people to share the truth of God’s Word with a world that so desperately needs it.

You can follow Lynn on Truth Social: @introspectivebeat 83; on Twitter: @LynnBowmanTabb; and on Instagram: @Introspectivebeat83


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