All Articles : Page 65
The Culture War
By Jonathan Alban   |   01.09.23
We’ve all grown accustomed—even jaded—to our culture’s sexual decline. But whatever the solution is, it doesn’t appear to be coming from the evangelical church.
Tyrannical Sex-Education Mandate for K-12th Grade
By David E. Smith   |   01.09.23
In late May of 2021, the Illinois General Assembly jammed through SB 818, a bill to require so-called "comprehensive sex-education" to be taught in public schools, starting in kindergarten through 12th grade. It was signed by Governor JB Pritzker and became law on August 20, 2021, despite the hue and cry of parents and grandparents throughout the state. Public schools that taught health and safety classes would have to now teach left-wing sexuality classes to our impressionable young students.
Winter’s Bitter Bite
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   01.07.23
I am hearing that December was Chicago’s coldest month in about forty years. It was bitter! But it is not just this winter I feel is cold, it is winter in general. Having spent several years in Alaska as a boy, cold did not affect me much until recently, as my age caught up with me. Lately, I have been looking at winter a little differently, and realized that it is like an annual message from God.
Homosexual Lawmakers Abuse Legal System to Abuse Minors
By Laurie Higgins   |   01.06.23
Leftists have redefined “hate.” To them hatred refers to ideas and moral beliefs that they think harm others. So, using that definition, how do leftists hate people? Let's count the ways. Well, not all the ways. That would suck dry the wellsprings of hope from which we draw at the beginning of each New Year and which are granted to us by a gracious God who has jobs for us to do—with joy.
Huge Abortion Bill Being Pushed Through General Assembly
By Kathy Valente   |   01.05.23
The lame-duck session is currently underway in the Illinois General Assembly prior to the new session beginning on January 11th. One would think there isn’t anything more that could be done to further expand abortion in Illinois. Unfortunately, one would...
Ableist Language?
By Ecce Verum   |   01.03.23
Warning: you are about to encounter an onslaught of politically incorrect words. The following five phrases have been labeled "potentially harmful" by academia at the highest level, so interact with them at your own peril. Ready?
Leftist Policies and Poverty: Is There a Correlation?
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   01.02.23
It is an assumption made every day by most news media, pundits, professors, entertainers, and even pastors -- the lie that Leftist policies are the most compassionate; conservative, Biblical worldviews are not. The assumption is so ingrained into the fabric of our society that it rarely gets called into question and even more rarely talked about. In 2023, it is as natural as air or water to believe in this dichotomy. And yet, even a mild magnifying glass on Leftist policies surfaces all sorts of lies, hypocrisy, and anything but real compassion.
A Conversation With Dr. Carl Trueman
By Alyssa Sonnenburg   |   01.01.23
IFI was honored to secure an interview with theologian, pastor, and author Dr. Carl Trueman earlier this year. In this interview with moderator Pastor Derek Buikema of Orland Park Christian Reformed Church, Dr. Trueman is asked a pressing question– “How did we get here?” Dr. Trueman tracks the intellectual genealogy of how the culture has come to the current position that it finds itself in. 
The Left’s Assault on Free Speech
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   12.31.22
Who would ever have imagined that free speech would be at risk in America, and that by, among others, members of the Media? Have journalists forgotten that it has been practitioners of their art who have so often been the...
Hasidic Schools – A Lesson Regarding School Choice
By Israel Wayne   |   12.29.22
The first compulsory attendance laws in America were introduced by Horace Mann in Massachusetts in 1852. This created a shift from what I consider to be true “public schools,” which were open to the public, but controlled by parents in local communities, to “government schools,” which we have had ever since. Today’s schools are funded by the government, regulated, and controlled by the government, and all of the standards are set and enforced by government dictates.
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