All Articles : Page 16
In Vitro Fertilization – Issues You Might Not Have Considered
By David E. Smith   |   03.28.24
If a medical procedure has a 90 percent fatality rate, should it still be pursued? According to Dr. Joseph Meany, president of the National Catholic Bioethics Center, this is exactly the case with the medical practice known as in vitro fertilization. While artificial conception might sound like a godsend for some couples, there are moral quandaries to consider.
Christ’s Resurrection: Not Just a Holiday!
By Rev. Thorin Anderson   |   03.28.24
It is quite unfortunate that the most important date on the Christian calendar is misnamed! While of uncertain origin, the best guesses are that the title “Easter” is derived from a pagan religion, but that is a subject for another time. My point is, however, that the name gives no indication of the reason for the holiday in the first place, which is to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Most Americans see the date as a time for easter egg hunts or to enjoy Spring.
Keep Hammering! Unite to Restore Parents’ Rights!
Since its inception in January, the Parents Matter Coalition (“PMC”) has been on a mission to raise awareness, educate the community, and teach Illinoisans how to advocate for their families and push back on the legislators and bureaucrats who think they know better how to parent our children.
Feelings or Facts?
By Thomas Hampson   |   03.26.24
What we think is true can have the same effect on us as what is true. We have known this forever. But today, in our post-truth culture, we are becoming less concerned with discovering what is true and more focused on what we feel is true. Public opinion today is shaped more by emotion and personal beliefs than facts. The impact of this post-truth era is profound.
Homeschooling, Part 3
By Ecce Verum   |   03.25.24
We ended the last piece in the middle of our discussion of the biblical benefits of homeschooling. Jesus tells us that every student, when he is trained fully, will be like his master (Luke 6:40), which prompts us to ask: what kind of masters are my children being trained by? We discussed the godless ideas permeating the public school classroom, but education is more than just ideas. It also involves people. So let's also consider more than just the lessons being taught; what about the people teaching them?
Why Are (Young) Women So Woke?
By Dr. Michael L. Brown   |   03.23.24
Commenting on a Finland-based study published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, Oskari Lahtinen, the author of the study, said, “The gender divide was probably most surprising to me. Three out of five women view ‘woke’ ideas positively, but only one out of seven men.”
Speak Out Against the Legalization of Assisted Suicide in Illinois
By David E. Smith   |   03.22.24
With the primary elections now behind us, our attention once again is focused on the Illinois General Assembly and a slew of pending bills that are decidedly anti-family. At the top of our list is SB 3499, the so-called “End-of-Life Options for Terminally Ill Patients Act.” This attempt to legalize assisted suicide is euphemistically referred to as “Death with Dignity”— don't be deceived by the spin.
Homeschooling, Part 2
By Ecce Verum   |   03.21.24
In a recent piece together, we explored one of the major benefits of homeschooling that greatly impacted me as a student: the freedom that my parents had to tailor my education to my needs. I know many other homeschool families have reaped this benefit from homeschooling as well. Homeschooling parents are able to educate their children according to their individual needs and aptitudes, which often results in a more rigorous and productive education than the standard fare in the public school system.
Family Planning Services for the Preteen
By Thomas Hampson   |   03.19.24
A bill currently under consideration in the Illinois General Assembly would allow children 12 and up to apply for Medicaid to pay for “family planning” services. Specifically, HB 5473 states: “Notwithstanding any other provision of this paragraph (2), a minor who is 12 years of age or older may sign and file an application of the minor’s own behalf if such application is for the Article V family planning program enacted by Public Act 102-665 amending Section 5-5 of this Code.”
IVF – Speaking from Personal Experience
You may have seen news stories in the last few weeks in reaction to an Alabama Supreme Court ruling in a case involving in vitro fertilization (IVF). It’s an issue that impacts a lot of sensitivities and brings up significant ethical questions. And, it is something that I, as an IVF baby, am deeply invested in. But my opinions may surprise you.
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