Wiccans Gone Woke
By Gabriel Syme   |   07.12.23
It seems that even witchcraft is not exempt from woke ideology. But why should it be? The Bible calls Satan “…the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience” (Eph 2:2). That evil spirit was at work during Paul’s day, and he is at work today in everyone who is a slave to sin.
Tampons In Illinois Men’s Rooms? It’s Coming
By Gabriel Syme   |   05.17.23
There are times when it gets wearisome, needing to expose the increasing insanity of the Illinois legislature. This is one of those times. In a piece of legislature that defies biology as well as puts a gigantic burden on every single public business in Illinois, the new House Bill 3093 Amends the Equitable Restrooms Act.
Gabriel Syme
Gabriel Syme

Gabriel Syme is a Christian husband, father and outspoken street preacher from the northwest suburbs of Chicago. He has a passion for evangelism and helping others go out and do the work of reaching the lost. He is also a huge fan of GK Chesterton.

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